

The President of Georgia opened the construction of Zugdidi-Anaklia airport

The President of Georgia visited the construction of Zugdidi-Anaklia airport that will serve new tourism zone in Anaklia.

"This airport has local importance. Poti international airport will be the largest airport in Georgia. I hope construction of it will end by 2012. It will serve Batumi, Mestia, Anaklia and of course, partially Kutaisi. Anaklia airport has local importance, because it is a big tourism zone. First of all joint Anaklia-Mestia routs must be generated. Aircrafts with propellers will fly there. 20-30 persons can fit in it. This is the most mobile and cheap transport for transfers. Zugdidi airport will also be constructed; Zugdidi population will fly to Tbilisi and in some other places within several kilometer radiuses. Besides this small tourism charters will be managed. So it will become an airport of big importance. The construction of an airport has already started. We have started construction first and than opened it and not on the contrary. As an experiment we must place a high-tech ecologic building", Mikheil Saakashvili noted.

The Minister of Economy promised the President that building drafted by modern architectural trends would attract thousands of tourists. Construction in village Ingiri has already started - the departure line will be ready in about a week, the building itself a bit later.

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