

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held summarizing briefing

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze held summarizing briefing and summed up the year of 2010. She stressed her attention on the most important events of this year for our society and the ones that took the large interest of foreign media. As she said this year was a year of radical changes - no matter we speak about internal Georgian or foreign issues in regards of economy or politics.

"In 2010 Georgia was nominated as world number one reformer country during the last five years in report on doing business. Georgia moved forward and took 12th place this year. At the same time according to the survey held by global corruption barometer "Transparency International" Georgia is on the first place in regards of decreasing corruption rate", Manana Manjgaladze noted and added that the country continues its course of reforms.

The Spokesperson spoke about the work and economic projects that brought significant results to our country. Tourism, infrastructural, legal, energy and other project were in this list. She spoke about the success achieved in foreign policy as well. Manana Manjgaladze noted that next year Georgian government has much more important plans to realize for the success of our country.

"For example two million tourists came to visit Georgia this year - it shows us 35 percent growth. New resorts and fully rehabilitated old projects can be found on tourism map now. New stage is starting for Svaneti region - with new road, new airport, new skiing slopes, new proposals for businessmen and investors. Several cities and towns got renovated after Sighnaghi in various regions of Georgia - Kvareli, Mtskheta, Anaklia, Kobuleti, Batumi and Kutaisi - the rehabilitation works there continue still. Free tourism zones were declared for investors in Anaklia and Kobuleti, it means that the State together with some benefits offers businessmen the whole package of support.

Two important projects were accomplished in 2010 - one is Gombori road and another is Samtskhe-Javakheti road.

Pretty big job was done in regards of economy. It concerns new economic course. In 2010 the Government was working on the administrational deficiencies existing between businessmen and the State. A new Tax Code was developed, infrastructure was arranged and new cadres were prepared in order to resolve these problems. New Tax Code will get active from January 1, 2011 and it will support the fulfillment of new course and partnership relations between business and tax entities.

Reforms carried out in educational sphere are of great importance as well, among them bringing more than 1000 English language teachers to Georgia. 1500 teachers will come to Georgia next year within the frames of program "Teach and study together with Georgia". Serious steps were made in providing security to schoolchildren this year. The project of secure schools got activated. At the same time the attestation process has started among teachers. The salaries of those teachers who successfully pass the attestation will rise.

Important steps were made in healthcare system as well. The construction of new medical facilities has started again this year and next year tens of new medical facilities will be added to healthcare sector. The development of insurance sphere is taking place as well. Agriculture sphere is among priorities as well. Pretty big amount of money was invested in next year budget for the development of this sphere. The State continues its support towards peasants. The State is bringing in new and productive cultures and is improving the technical base as well", the Spokesperson noted.

Manana Manjgaladze spoke about those problems that are important for the population of Georgia. First of all it is inflation process all around the world. Increase of prices around the world affects our citizens as well. This is why the Government has developed a package due to the task given by the President, which will lighten the lives of the poorest part of our population. Starting from the end of January they will be given electricity vouchers. As she said the major problem that remains still is unemployment, thought the Government works hard in this direction.

She as well touched economic reforms and noted that year 2010 was exceptional in this regards as well. First of all it is the new constitution that was evaluated as one more step forward towards democracy both inside and outside of country. We have to single out local elections as well - these elections were the fairest elections ever held in Georgia due to all surveys. The major success was the direct elections of Tbilisi city mayor.

Media transparency is considered to be a very important project as well - the Parliament of Georgia initiated this project. The Spokesperson reminded Georgian society the decisions made by NATO Parliamentary Assembly and UN General Assembly.

The visit of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Georgia and the tête-à-tête meeting between President Obama and President Saakashvili in Lisbon are considered as very important events in foreign policy direction.

The peace initiatives that the President of Georgia declared first in Strasbourg at the European Parliament and after in Astana, during OSCE Summit are of great importance as well. The evaluations and reactions of Commonwealth of Nations on these initiatives were significant as well. During this forums it was stated that Georgian territories are occupied and term "occupation" practically was implemented on the international arena.

The decision of EU on simplification of visa procedures was important as well. This step made clear the attitude towards Georgia and the quality of trust towards State as towards the important and trusted partner.

Manana Manjgaladze spoke about loss that Georgia has experienced in foreign political and partnership relations - first was Katyn tragedy and the death of Lech Kaczynski. The death of American diplomat Richard Holbrook was very serious loss for Georgia as well. Manana Manjgaladze made a comment on the decision made by the court on Mikheil Khodorkovsky's case and informed the journalists about the position of the President of Georgia regarding this case.

This decision once again proved the attitude of Russian Federation on justice - this is mockery, injustice and violation of all legislative norms. This is a bright example of how Russian Government chases people like Khodorkovsky. This is how today's Russian justice looks like", the Spokesperson noted.

Security issue is one more challenge for our country. This was one of the issues Manana Manjgaladze stressed her attention on.

"The society remembers very well pretty loud terrorist attacks planned and carried out in various regions of Georgia opened by Georgian law enforcers. US Embassy, office of one political party and railway was among those objects that were planned to explode. The spy network working against Georgia was also a very important issue. As it was detected these spies were working in the hardest period for Georgia. Though Georgian by the hard work of Georgian law enforcers this huge threat was avoided for country. We have offered Russian side to take part into investigation process and it was left without any respond, despite the fact that all materials were handed over to the Russian side during Geneva Talks. 

Unfortunately when we are speaking about challenges we have to talk about our occupied territories and this is the major problem of the State, the Government and the President. This subject is discussed only in peace context, but despite of many offers made by the Georgian side to start a full-scale dialogue between two countries - it remains without any adequate response from the side of Russian Federation. Even more - Russia still continues destructive actions on the background of these proposals", Manjgaladze stated.

The Spokesperson touched every sphere in her annual report and spoke about those achievements that concern Georgian sport and culture.

First of all she recalled the victory of Georgian rugby players, spoke about the achievements of Georgian basketball players and first steps made by Georgian soccer players after long pause. While speaking about success of our sportsmen she recalled the huge tragedy that happened last winter - this was death of Georgian sportsman Nodar Kumaritashvili at World Olympics. She said that this was a huge tragedy for Georgian Olympic players and in general for Georgian sports. the state still continues the support of sports, because it is not only achievements of sports but it speaks about the development of country in general as well. This is why Manana Manjgaladze noted that recently the decision was made that Tbilisi will host European Youth Festival in 2015 and at the same time World Cup will be held between young rugby players.

2010 was important year in regards of culture as well - Georgia has started this year with the concert of Jose Carreras and finished with the concert of Placido Domingo. Georgia will meet New Year with the concert of world-class singer Andrea Bocceli. Traditional jazz, theatre and movie festivals were held this year in Georgia. The most important is that those musical festivals were restored that was forgotten because of deficiencies in finances.

The Spokesperson spoke about those projects and plans that the Government and the President have in new 2011. 

And finally Manana Manjgaladze congratulated the colleagues on 2011 year and thanked them for their hard work.

"Let this year 2011 be successful, important and happy for our country and for every our citizen", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

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