

Spokesperson to President of Georgia Held Traditional Briefing

Spokesperson to President of Georgia Manana Manlgaladze held her traditional briefing today. First, she pointed her attention to the priorities, reflected in the budget for 2011. She noted that the consultations on this issue were conducted actually during the whole autumn and the opposition was actively involved. Now review of the main financial document is actively going on at the Parliament and voting will probably take place by the end of the week.         

"I want to separate some priority areas and stop at the important indices. The budget for 2011 was determined as 7 billions and 100 millions. Compared with the year of 2010, funding increased by 30 million. At this stage the Government focused its attention on reducing of the budget deficit - the deficit was 6,03 percent this year and it was decreased to 4,3 percent in 2011. Reducing of the deficit was done by reduction of administrative expenses. Bureaucratic expenses were decreased by 10 percent this year, thus making possible to finance those main priorities that remain as main priorities for the country. 

The area of health makes 25 percent of the total budget and the amount is determined as a billion and 570 millions. It can be said that this year is critical and important year for this area, as construction of new medical facilities shall be finished this year.      

The next priority is the area of education; its funding was increased by 17 million GEL and reached 560 million GEL. All the initiated programs are reflected there.  

The third direction is financing of regions and agriculture. The budget of the Ministry of agriculture increased 4 times, approximately; that makes important increase, compared to prior years. In these terms, I have to underline several projects. First of all this is bringing of the new seed material that shall provide increase of crops locally produced in Georgia and bringing of agricultural equipment that shall assist keeping of harvest and plowing and seeding. 

Funding of regional infrastructure construction is also increased. Development of the tourist infrastructure is important for the country as the development of the tourist infrastructure conditioned development of the economics of Georgia.    That is why these projects were reflected in the budget for 2011 and their funding increased by 42 million GEL.       

On December 3, President of Georgia made a statement on the new course. He responded the problems that private enterprises still bear. As President noted, these controversies are connected with the press of administrative charges. During the year of 2010, the Government was working on overcoming these problems and as a result, the new Tax Code was developed, the new infrastructure was created and the qualified cadre trained. The unity of these very directions constitutes the new course. The new Tax Code that will enter into force from January 1, will assist implementation of the new course. This course will change relations between businesses and the Government, including tax agencies and base them more on the principles of partnership", - the Spokesperson to President noted.    

Manana Manjgaladze also spoke about economical projects. She said that the implementation of the program of Mestia development has entered the final stage. She also focused her attention that the Government keeps its promises and several objects that were being implemented under the patronage of President shall be commissioned. The spokesperson noted that Svaneti airport and the new infrastructure would turn this region into ski resort and assist its development. While speaking about the regions, the Spokesperson mentioned Anaklia free tourist zone. She said that the interest is big and investors' applications are submitted to the Ministry of economy and sustainable development as well as to the local Municipality. 

The next issue addressed by Manana Manjgaladze was the information, distributed by the agency of foreign affairs.        

"As you know Georgian party made appropriate respond to the lawlessness and misdeeds that were performed recently on the occupied territories of Georgia and that were initiated by Russian party. International community is already informed on this. Several particular facts are underlined in the appeal. Namely it is calculation of population of Georgia in Akhalgori based on their ethnicity by the order of so called Tskhinvali Regimen and expropriation of property from Georgians.   Georgian party deems this to be continuation of the Policy of ethnical cleansing started by Russian Federation in 2008.

When speaking about the events of the last week, we cannot keep silence concerning the measures performed by Georgian law enforcement agencies, the cases opened and stopped terrorist acts that were conducted recently and were planned at different cities and regions of Georgia. Of course, all these versions have to be approved at the court, but we can say that Georgia managed to avoid serious terrorist acts. Once again, I repeat the position of the Government of Georgia and the statement of President of Georgia. In terms of investigation of this case, the Government of Georgia expresses full readiness to cooperate with the corresponding agencies of Russian Federation. President of Georgia expresses his gratitude to those servicemen of law enforcement agencies, who managed to save our country and population from this threat", - the Spokesperson noted. 

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