

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Held Traditional Briefing

Manana Manjgaladze spoke about the upcoming plans of the President of Georgia during her briefing and marked that Mikheil Saakashvili will attend Munich 47th Security Conference, which will take place on February 4-6.

At the conference, the main agenda of which covers several concrete issues such as: new challenges, international security policy, financial crisis, cyber war, disarmament and non-proliferation , speech of Mikheil Saakashvili is also planned.

The spokesperson for the President stated that the visit will be full of bilateral meetings. The Meeting between President of Georgia and the chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel is planned. Also, he will have negotiations with President of Switzerland.

Manana Manjgaladze also underlined that in the near future the President will present annual report to lawmakers.

 "In fact this will be a uniform account which will sum up future plans, the perspectives of the country,   the challenges we will face in 2011 and all things that were done last year, as well as the perspective of the first person of Georgia and the position of the opposition. This annual account will touch the problems that cause trouble to the country and the population. These are social, economic, as well as international and security problems."  - The spokesperson stated.

Manjgaladze talked about the most essential processes ongoing in Strasburg.

European Court of Human Rights started discussing the case of Georgia against Russia. As far as you know, this case concerns mass deportation of ethnic Georgians from Russian Federation in 2006. The discussion lasts for several days during which witnesses will be questioned; the experts and employees of Georgian Embassy in Russia of that period will stand to the court. We welcome the processes started in European Court of Human Rights and are observing."- Manana Manjgaladze stated.


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