

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held her traditional briefing

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze held her traditional briefing today and summed up last week's events. First of all, she spoke about Munich 47th Security Conference. As she said, it was a very significant event - the President of Georgia addressed the participants of Conference and held very important bilateral meetings.

"First of all I would like to single out a meeting with the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. During the discussion leaders touched issues of Russia-Georgian relations. As Angela Merkel made clear she always puts an issue of fulfillment of August 12 cease-fire agreement on agenda while meeting official Moscow. The Chancellor of Germany got interested with the ongoing political and economic processes in Georgia. Besides this meeting, the President of Georgia met the Foreign Minister of Australia and the decision was made to open Georgian embassy on the continent of Australia. Mikheil Saakashvili met with the President of Switzerland Michelin Calmy-Rey as well. Sides discussed problematic issues existing in Russia-Georgian relations. It has to be noted that they discussed activation of Switzerland's role as a mediator country between Russia and Georgia", the spokesperson noted.

As Manana Manjgaladze pointed out this conference and meetings gave a chance to Georgian side to once again reach Georgia's problems to international society - it concerns occupied territories and those actions that Russian federation carries out until today. Stress was made on such issues as deployment of extra armament on occupied territories and unfulfilled obligations - Russia violates not only 2008 August 12 cease-fire agreement, but at the same time Europe's treaty on conventional arms control as well".

The President of Georgia once again noted Georgia's peace initiative, within the frames of which Georgia expresses its readiness in starting the dialogue with Russia.

She also spoke about security issue, among them within the regional context. As the President stated Georgia is involved in these issues and participates in many pivotal projects, among them in energy projects. The President also discussed the topic of frozen conflicts and about the threats coming from these conflicts", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

The Spokesperson proved the fact that the President of Georgia will make his annual report to the Parliament of Georgia on February 11 and will touch all issues bothering the population of Georgia. The special attention will be made on global inflation processes and challenges that our country faces.

Manana Manjgaladze spoke about the meeting that was held last week between the President of Georgia and governmental economic group. The Ministries of Energy and Healthcare actively work on the issue of electricity vouchers and most probably the distribution of vouchers will start from February 10.

The Spokesperson discussed the issue of difficult situation in several regions of Georgia caused by the climate conditions. She noted that the President tasked the Governors to work in the conditions of maximal mobilization.   





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