

Statement by the President of Georgia at a joint press conference in Moldova

Thank you Mr. President Martens, Mr. Prime-minister, my friend Vlad,

We are certainly extremely thrilled to be here in Moldova. Moldova is an amazing example of what the transformation power of Europe can do, even for the worst run areas in the past former Soviet sphere of influence, and certainly a country that had suffered immensely during the Soviet period and from the domination of the Communist party of this part of Europe; how it can revive itself from the past and how it can gradually move towards Europe.

And I think of what really happened in Moldova in last several years, when young people in Moldova had really become the driving force for European integration together with our colleagues of the Liberal Democratic Party.

I think this is a good example of what the new generation of politicians can accomplish in almost hopeless situations. And so I would like to compliment you, and on the other hand I want to express our own regret that initially when we were a winning ticket in Moldova, in Georgia at this stage, when a couple of years ago we were talking about the possibility already in Vilnius for Georgia and Moldova not only to get an Association Agreement but to get the European perspective, and unfortunately Georgia had, as President Martens said, created some difficulties, what had happened in Georgia since last year, and I think temporarily, I think their provision cannot last and will not last, but certainly it’s a pity that now there is much talk about problems in Georgia, than there were before. And I think this is not due to domestic problems in Georgia, but what really happened in the region was that Russia used all kind of means, they used economical embargo, energy embargo.

In 2008 Georgia was attacked by the full extent of the Russian Army aviation and sea force, and despite this big military attack and war Georgia continued to progress and Georgia continued progress with high global frames, with very low corruption rates, with low crime rates, an excellent business environment and this was the worst problem for our Russian neighbors.

Not so much the European aspirations per se or NATO aspirations of Georgia, but the fact that we turned out to be a successful country.  But at the same time as being a successful country we also have democracy.

Obviously, we knew ways how to manipulate and how to use political influence, after the war had failed, embargos have failed, was to get into political process through democratic means.

And before our elections billions of dollars of Russian money came into Georgian politics in combination with military pressure and provocations, and now the money. Certainly it contributed to election results in Georgia.

With all the other issues we had. And certainly the situation that emerged after elections is something that I think the whole process went for.

And the process was basically to get Georgia on track. Not so much even by the political declarations, but by the fact that there are internal difficulties and problems now that create a situation where it’s much more difficult, unfortunately for me and tragically for me personally because I invested so much indeed, for a faster speed to integration with Europe.

As I say, this is what happened in my country, this is what happened, before my country, in Ukraine, I think this is what the risk is related to our Moldavian friends also, and actually I am very frank about it and I think that the same methods that are applied by the same people will be very much applied to Moldova for months and years to come, as they have been applied in recent past, we all know that.

We share some of the things in the recent past that were applied to us as well as the conflicts that are closed, as well as the conflicts make many commonalities, and from that point of view I think the best recipe is to no matter what they do, no matter what the enemies of our courtier’s progress do, is to go forward and to integrate to build a European future democracy to empower the youth and not to look back.

I think forces that are taking us back have no future themselves. I think this is just a matter of time after the whole imperial sphere which is today the Russian Federation will disintegrate, and I think we will disintegrate as an imperial sphere, but of course I wish all the best to the Russian people and their nation.

We have one home, one direction, one inspiration and no matter what, we will go in that direction of that I am totally convinced. 

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