

Traditional briefing of the Spokesperson for the President of Georgia

Manana Manjgaladze touched those issues during her traditional briefing that were carried out and initiated during the last week. The President of Georgia spoke about those initiatives that Georgian government is going to the implement in the education system aiming its total reforming. The Spokesperson named those major aspects that hold an important place within this process, particularly the rehabilitation of schools, activation of mandatures service for providing security within the schools, computerization and increase of teacher's salaries.

As Manjgaladze said more resources and energy would be spent on the education sphere in order to make system fully sufficient to the standards of contemporary market.

"Great attention is drawn to the improvement of education sphere and this process moves to the regions and villages from the cities. In 2011 10 modern standards schools will get into exploitation and 500 schools would be fully rehabilitated. At the same time computerization program continues and 60 000 first graders would get "netbooks" from the state and 1000 successful schoolchild will be awarded with personal computers. Regarding teacher's salaries, changes are planned in this direction as well. In particular if today a teacher's salary is 380 GEL, after the certification 75 GEL would be added to it. In case if teacher would pass an exam of computers and English 125 GEL would be added to the salary; it makes 580 GEL in total. Best 25 percent of teachers would have 1000 GEL salary. 160 GEL would be added to mentor teachers. At the same time stimulation program continues for the teachers serving in high-mountainous regions. Those who are involved in the program "teach for Georgia" would have 4

500 GEL salary as an addition", Manana Manjgaladze noted.

As the Spokesperson stated huge focus is made on the learning process of Georgian language in one-Georgian schools. This concerns regions populated with ethnical minorities.

"State is taking care of these citizens. Fluency in state language is important for their success. It will support their integration and realization of their own abilities", she noted and added "By the initiative of the President of Georgia strategy of state language was developed, on the basis of which knowledge of Georgian language becomes necessary. By the end of 2012 30 percent of subject must be taught on Georgian language in none-Georgian schools".

The Spokesperson stressed her attention on the fact that every teacher, who will teach subjects on two languages would have 200 GEL salary as addition.

She also discussed the new initiative of the President of Georgia according to which the bachelors, who will teach Georgian language in the regions populated by ethnic minorities the state will pay master's degree studies. Besides this they will be provided with living conditions and 500 GEL salaries. All doctorates, who will teach Georgian language within the region would get university credits besides their salary.

Besides this Georgian language houses would open in every such settlement. Those youngsters, who will rest in patriot's camps this year (50 percent of guests would be the representatives of ethnic minorities) would have Georgian language lessons on their agenda during the holiday.

Manana Manjgaladze aslo spoke about the visit of US Senators to Georgia. As she said those meetings that they held with the President and other members of government were of great importance.

"We are holding dialogue on the permanent bases with our American friends and colleagues. Exactly the part of this dialogue is those visits that got more frequent during these last several weeks. A delegation of US Senators with the leadership of Senator John Kyl is visiting Tbilisi at this moment. As you all know yesterday number of meetings were held with the representatives of Georgian government. A meeting was held at the President's Palace as well. The major issues of the meeting were close cooperation in defense and security spheres and deepening the will of those mutual efforts that would rather strengthen Georgia's role in international security issues. Senators stressed their attention on the importance of Georgian troops participation in Afghan peacekeeping mission and confirmed that Georgia is an important partner for United States in political as well as in economic and defense spheres", Manana Manjgaladze.

And finally, Manana Manjgaladze added that one more similar visit is planned in the nearest future in Tbilisi.


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