

The President of Georgia addressed guests gathered at the charity dinner

This is the first time when I can say that a serious tradition of philanthropy, charity had been formed in Georgia. Business can do, what they did today and it is the true evidence of how far had our country is not towards progress.

I specially would like to underline shares of Koba Nakopia, not only in organizing today's event, but in making this movie and in the events that had developed around it. I think that Koba Nakopia was the key figure in regards of this movie in every single process. It appeared that he had huge heart, huge enthusiasm, huge love towards humans and his motherland.

They might fall us down many times, but the main this is not whether you fell or not, the main thing is ability to raise.

We are a nation that has unique talent to stand through all type of hardship and no matter which tornado will go over it, it could raise and continue living the way it had never fell down. I think that this is the major reason of our survival. Despite everything we had maintained our multi ethnic unity and diverse culture, openness and permanent aspirations towards civilized world. we had also maintained incredible ability to always raise. I want to address our foreign guests. I think everyone's dreams became true - because of this society presented here. 

Our friend Congressman David Dreier is here. He shouldn't feel strange among so many celebrities, but his reactions are same as mine.

My son criticizes everything - because of his age. Andy Garcia is a real idol for him and he could never think he would see him walking outside. I want to thank Andy, because my son's dream came true.

I am thankful of Renny Harlin, who kissed our Georgian land this morning at the airport. This was very impressive gesture - we will all remember it always. If you wanted to be welcomed as Georgian, despite yor blond hair, you already have this.

This is why these people think that their dreams became true.

We must use this evening for it as well. We should remember these minutes.

This year had proved my peoples strong will.

We have five hundred thousand population that were deprived of their properties, kindergartens, schools they used to go to, placed they loves, views they admired. They were kicked out and are not allowed back.

100 times stronger neighbor attacked and bombed our country. In general it is hard for people to overcome such situations. Some countries cannot stand such challenges.

But this country raised with more optimism, maturity and aspiration to build democracy and open society, integration and to give equal chances to the ethnical minorities and every single person in our society. To open way to youth with great faith in future that belongs to each of us. This movie might change a lot. Territories are still occupied; refugees cannot go back to their own houses, but for the small nations that are involved in unequal battle is very important to know that there is another world, which considers their fight fair and it is on the right side of history in this fight.

This movie stands us on the right side of history and moral. It stands us on the right side, when you have to make a right choice between pessimism and optimism. It brings optimism and faith.

Once again I want to thank you all that you returned us this faith.

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