

The President of Georgia visited rehabilitation works in Borjomi

The President of Georgia visited rehabilitation works in Borjomi today. Mikheil Saakashvili went to fully renovated center located in front of a park and saw newly built facilities. The President spoke to the local residents and foreign tourists as well. He spoke to Borjomi population about the development of tourism and attraction of investments and noted that it is the major condition for their welfare. As Mikheil Saakashvili noted Borjomi is one of the major resorts of Georgia that must fundamentally change. The President discussed running water problem as well and said that the rehabilitation works for the abolishment of this problem had already started.    

"Borjomis is the major resort in Georgia. We didn't have any means for its rehabilitation until now because of the economic conditions. We had already changed water pipe and sewage system and we already transferred on fundamental construction. We learned god lessons after Sighnaghi and Mestia reconstruction and with these lessons we will change this place in a better way. I hope that the construction of new hotel will end by the end of next year. Likani hotel was taken by Kazakh investors, but as we see they aren't able to continue the reconstruction of it. We must speak with them in order to make sure they will renew the process of construction. Many people are waiting for this, because people will have source of income from this place. More guests this hotel will have, more income will be delivered to the private sector. As we see the first guest are foreigners from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan. Imagine - Borjomi is familiar for the great art of the world: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belorussia, Armenia... These people should come both in summer and in winter. People must feel some relieve, because we still are in hardship. The number of tourists increased compare to last year and it will increase more in August and September. We should beautify Borjomi to the very end. The construction of hotel will end soon and we will add many things in park. By the way we must bring in order sulphury bathes and build road up to that place. The water problem here was always irresolvable and I think it will be resolved by the end of this year as well. It is impossible not to have running water from tap in Borjomi", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

The rehabilitation of park entrance had already finished. 3 thousand sq meters were paved by carriageway and the outside light system was totally changed. The hand made iron gates in the entrance of park is decorated by 19 century gold-plated bronze ornaments.

Five-star hotel is being constructed near the park. The President visited the construction site and said that tourism boom will start in Borjomi starting from 2012.

"A very beautiful hotel with marble stairs was located nearby in Borjomi that was put apart in 1990. I used to come to visit this place in my childhood very often. Maybe it was not very comfortable, but it was very beautiful. IDPs started to live in other hotels and Kazakh investors took Likani. Because of the crises they couldn't manage to finish it. The negotiations on the renovation of the construction had already started. Borjomi was left without a hotel practically. People are waiting for this hotel, where 85 rooms will be located. Also there are talks about two new hotels that will be constructed in this borough. The place of such beauty and strategic importance in regards of treatment and balneology is nowhere else in Georgia, maybe even in Europe there are two resorts of this importance in Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden. This is extremely beautiful building - I only saw something like this in Switzerland or Austria only. Tourists here will come from Arabian countries and Europe by all means", the President noted. 

Mikheil Saakashvili visited an unique hotel-house built by Iranian diplomat 120 years ago. The building is under the reconstruction at this moment, however Iranian specialists are supervising the process of rehabilitation in order not to lose old Iranian style. The reconstruction of this building will end next year and it will host guests as well. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke with the personnel working on the reconstruction and as they said the portraits of Shahs are detected on the walls of the hotel that do not even exist in Iran any more. Rehabilitation works are going on and after these works will finish the writings on the walls will appear in a better way. Such palaces exist in Monaco, Tehran and Borjomi only.

"I remember from my childhood that it was the most beautiful building in whole Georgia. This is one of the treasures of Georgia that we must reconstruct to the final end. This place was destroying for many years in past. Later people started to live here and the function of it was lost. Couple more years and we could lose this palace. This street was exceptional with beautiful houses, but during last several years it was horrible situation here. This place will come the pride of Georgia pretty soon. Thank you very much for your had work here", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.  

Mikheil Saakashvili met with Bolywood producers in Borjomi as well. They were on excursion there. Mikheil Saakashvili got interested with Indian movie-making process in Georgia as well.

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