

The President of Georgia met with the Prime Minister of Poland

The meeting of the President of Georgia - Mikheil Saakashvili and the Prime Minister of Poland - Donald Tusk took place in Krynica, Poland. Both sides have once again expressed their desire of bilateral cooperation in the process of integrating Georgia into the European Union. Mikheil Saakashvili has personally received an invitation from the Prime Minister of Poland to attend the Eastern Partnership Summit, which will be held at the end of September in Warsaw.

During the meeting, they discussed the importance of accelerating the action plan of the Agreement about Visa Regime Liberalization and Free Trade. They also expressed their hope that certain decisions regarding this issue will be made during the Eastern Partnership Summit.

The Prime Minister of Poland has especially emphasized the successfully implemented reforms in Georgia, which according to him are the result of the goal-oriented policy of the leader of the country. As Donald Tusk stated, this policy increases the likelyhood that Georgia will join the alliance.

"A few years ago, nobody would have thought that Georgia's and Moldova's road to Europe will be so quick thanks to the determination of its political leaders", - stated the Prime Minister.

Georgian-Russian relations was one of the main topics of discussion. As it was noted during the meeting, it is necessary to work out a constructive policy in order for Russia to fulfill its obligations and acknowledge the internationally recognized borders of Georgia.

"The Eastern Partnership Summit will be held here at the end of the month. That's why our visit to Poland was important right now, before the summit, because we are expecting a very serious breakthrough this fall in terms of integration into the European Union. I think that this fall will be an unprecedented period for Georgia because we are predicting positive results in September-October. Everything is set in motion here from our point of view. This is the reason that we accepted the invitation from our friend - Donald Tusk, to visit Poland in advance and outline the strategy. People from the country of Poland are helping us, which of course is not a surprise." - stated the President of Georgia.

After the bilateral meeting, Donald Tusk and Mikheil Saakashvili joined the International Economic Forum. Before the beginning of the Forum, the President of Georgia commented on the strategic cooperation of Georgia-EU and the relations of Georgia with Poland, as the Chair country of the European Union.

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