

Traditional Briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia

The Press Speaker of the President of Georgia renewed the traditional briefing. She talked about recently developed important issues and noted that significant social and economic projects will be implemented before the end of the year. According to her, one of such projects is related to pension increases.

"This is a promise for implementation of which the President of Georgia along with the government, have made one more step. It should be noted that this is the seventh time that pensions have increased since 2004. The fact that the amount of pensions will equalize between Tbilisi and the regions is also important. The pensioners will also keep all of the various types of aid that they are currently receiving, including the bonus for experience and merit" - noted Manana Manjgaladze.

The news in the education system was among the most key issues that the Press Speaker drew attention to. On behalf of the President, she congratulated students and teachers on the beginning of the new school year. She stated that 12 new and 350 rehabilitated schools with ultramodern labs will start functioning this year. The fact that English language will be taught in the first grade is also an innovation.

"An additional 1500 instructors will arrive in Georgia within the scope of the program -"Teach and Learn with Georgia." It is also important, that the prices of school textbooks have been regulated. The state will provide the socially unprotected students with free textbooks from first to twelfth grade" - stated the President's Press Speaker.

Manana Manjgaladze also talked about the teacher salary increase. According to her, after receiving a certificate the teachers will receive a 75 GEL bonus and in the case of passing a computer and English exams, they will have bonus of additional 125 GEL. 25% of the teachers who received the highest scores on certificate exams will receive 1000 GEL salaries.

According to the Press Speaker, the state will fully finance the socially unprotected students in professional colleges and in other cases students will receive 80% co-financing.

The news in the energy sphere was among other issues that the Press Speaker of the President talked about. According to her, 450 million USD will be invested in 10 projects, the implementation of which has already begun. 6 hydro-electric power plants are under construction and the construction of the other 4 will begin shortly.

Manana Manjagaladze also touched on the issue of this year's vineyard and noted that the government of Georgia has allocated 10 million GEL for this reason. According to her, assisting farmers with the distribution of the harvest is the main goal of the government.

The Press Speaker also talked to journalists about foreign relations. According to her, President Mikheil Saakashvili is traditionally scheduled to address the General Assembly at the UN. Also, as she noted, the Eastern Partnership Summit, which will be held in Warsaw, Poland at the end of the month is also an important event.

"We are expecting high level guests during the entire fall season. Out of these visits I would distinguish the visits of the President of France - Nicolas Sarkozy and the NATO Secretary General" - noted Manana Manjgaladze.

At the end, the President's Press Speaker also mentioned the fact that the President of Georgia gave an extraordinary letter to the managers of the Georgian Rugby Federation. In the letter, Mikheil Saakashvili addresses the Georgian Rugby players and wishes them luck.

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