

The President of Georgia honored the memory of soldiers killed during the August War


The President of Georgia visited the Mukhatgverdi Brothers’ Cemetery and honored the memory of soldiers killed during the August War in 2008. The Commander in Chief laid flowers at the memorial of the heroes fallen as a result of Russian aggression in 2008 with the Head of the Joint Staff, Irakli Dzneladze.

Mikheil Saakashvili met with family members of the deceased soldiers and thanked them while wishing them bravery and long life.

“If not for the heroism of these guys we would not have enough time to awaken international diplomatic efforts, which in the end saved Georgia’s statehood. Whoever says after 5 years from the war that Georgia is to blame in it then this is a direct repetition of Russia’s propaganda especially at a time when it was proven repeatedly and irreversibly that Russian armed forces and tank battalions invaded a sovereign territory of Georgia. With all this in the background, saying that Georgia started the war is a direct repetition of the aggressor’s propaganda, which is aimed against our country” - stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Georgia lost 169 military servants, 16 police officers and 188 civilians as a result of the Russian aggression in 2008.

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