

The President of Georgia assessed the meeting with an American colleague


First of all, I would like to note that I have held meetings at the Oval Office before and all of them were good, but I have never left this room loaded with so many specific results; especially at a moment when this is very important for Georgia.

Everyone heard what President Obama said – we spoke about advancing our cooperation in the defense sphere to a new level.  We talked only about participating in anti-terrorist operations and sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan in the past, now we are talking about developing the defense sphere of Georgia with the help of the United States.

We will also keep working on this issue in the future and specific meetings have already been planned. This is a completely new, a lot higher level of cooperation in the defense security sphere.

The second issue that is no less important: President Obama stated that he is ready to support a new format of economic cooperation, which envisions the prospect of signing a free trade agreement between Georgia and the United States.

We should understand that this will have an incredibly large impact on the economy of Georgia in the upcoming years.

America has signed a free trade agreement with its closest allies and each of the countries that have signed it with America has experienced a serious economic jump.

This is the first time such a thing was stated with regard to Georgia, which is already a specific result.

We all heard that President Obama supports further integration of our country in the North-Atlantic Alliance.

Of course this issue needs to be discussed more widely, since it also concerns the other members of NATO, however the support of the United States in very important.

Everyone has also heard how positively and with high regard President Obama spoke about the democratic achievements of Georgia, the reforms implemented by us, including in terms of protecting minorities, developing democracy, and our democratic prospects for the country.

We also spoke about the fact that elections and other democratic processes in Georgia will serve as a continuance of our achievements.

The President clearly stated that every achievement of Georgia is not only a success for our country but a symbol for the entire region.

So, the specific results of the meeting have surpassed our expectations.

I think that this was not only a well prepared meeting by the American officials – this was a direct result of the fact that he was personally involved, it was his personal decision for everything to be exactly this way, and it was his personal sympathy expressed with regard to us.

I am very satisfied by the results of this meeting!

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