

Traditional briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia

The Press Speaker of the President of Georgia – Manana Manjgaladze began the traditional briefing with the problems caused by severe weather. The Press Speaker explained that, Georgia has avoided the problems caused by severe weather that a lot of countries are currently facing, based on the effective work by appropriate government bodies and services despite some delays. According to her, the President personally controlled the work of energy and infrastructural services as well as the Ministries in each region.

“Coordinated work is going on with local municipalities. It is natural that the supply of electricity has stopped in some regions of Georgia, but the problem was handled in the shortest amount of time. As of other types of delays, like roads and in terms of movement, all such problems were practically eradicated quickly. It can be said that the works were going on 24 hours a day. The President also made orders yesterday. Specifically, he ordered the appropriate government body to purchase the relevant snow clearing technology so that specific regions do not become isolated during large snow cover.” – noted the Press Speaker.

She also focused attention on the initiative of the Mayor of the Capital, which envisions giving shelters to the homeless during freezing weather conditions. Tbilisi City Hall will provide homeless persons with free shelter and warm food during severe freezing conditions.

Manana Manjgaladze also spoke about the meeting of the President and the Parliament majority. During the meeting, Mikheil Saakashvili summed up the visit to USA and provided the members of the Parliamentary majority with information regarding the reached agreement. According to the Press Speaker, the President especially distinguished the issues of free trade relations and Georgia’s self defense capabilities as well as touched on the issues concerning the ongoing reforms and processes in the country.

“During a session held at the Palace of the President of Georgia, the discussion touched on priority issues, which are being planned practically in all parts of Georgia or are already going on. These are several energy projects going on simultaneously – the hydro electric power plants the construction of which has either already begun or will do so in 2012.” – noted Manana Manjgaladze.

The Press Speaker also spoke about the agriculture sector and noted that spring agricultural works are already scheduled to begin.

The President’s Press Speaker ended the briefing with the reforms in the healthcare sector.

“The President drew special attention to the work of the insurance companies. He stressed that the insurance companies must work more actively in order to complete their obligations in a timely fashion. It was also said that it is unacceptable to have delays in terms of providing salaries for medical personnel. “– added the President’s Press Speaker.

According to Manana Manjgaladze, the President will personally visit the newly-opened medical facilities in Kazbegi, Tianeti, Tsageri, Dmanisi, Tsalenjikha, Mestia, Oni, Akhmeta, and Kvareli.

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