

Mikheil Saakashvili met with the European Commissioner for Trade, Karel De Gucht

The President of Georgia met with the European Commissioner for Trade, Karel De Gucht. The sides have opened a series of negotiations regarding free trade between Georgia and the EU and discussed future action plans.

According to Karel De Gucht, a free trade space between Georgia and the EU will be the main mechanism in terms of developing economic ties between the sides. According to him, the beginning of negotiations proves the readiness of the EU to deepen progressive economic integration and political association with the EU’s eastern partners. Aside from this, he expressed hope that the scheduled negotiation will go fast and will facilitate economic connection. The European Commissioner’s visit is taking place before the first rounds of negotiation, which will be held at the end of March.

During the visit of Karel De Gucht, the sides will discuss the issue of creating a common trade space and the format of the negotiations process for the participants. 

The European Union made a decision about creating the deep and comprehensive free trade zone with Georgia in September of last year and stated that the country has implemented important reforms in the trade and investment regulation related spheres.


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