

The President of Georgia addressed the local population in Tsnori

Welcome everyone,

The hospital that had been here before could hardly be called a hospital.

It is very good that qualified doctors are moving to work here now. The main issue is for everyone to get their salaries in due time.

We are starting a new program as well, “Smiling Georgia”, within which socially vulnerable people in villages and cities will receive dental services.

We will start the implementation of this program with in particular the most vulnerable.

Some 50 year old people do not even have the willingness to smile, they want to work, go to work, then become ill and it becomes even more costly to cure them.

This project will cost us 10-15 million, but we have to do it as it changes the mental well being of a person.

You are the only ones who I admire and listen to, that is why I will always come to you and listen to what you have to say.

The people who do not wish us well cannot or do not want to understand why so many of us gather here.

This hospital is not being built so that someone can boast, for me this represents the idea of equality.

Kiziki is a place which never had a ruler.

The people who robbed the country for years have grouped together now in order to gain back the power to steal again. These people share the ideology and mentality of serfdom. They can be either slaves, or feudal. They want to be slaves of foreign, i.e. our conqueror and be your suzerains at the same time.

Georgia will never be anyone’s slave and the Georgian people will never have a suzerain.

This is exactly what the idea of these hospitals and their accessibility stands for.

Every person should have access to insurance, high quality equipment, the best doctors, heated and ventilated treatment rooms, everywhere throughout Georgia. Politics, the right to study in good schools and be treated in good hospitals should not be limited to those who have millions. All of this is being done for our people and not for the foreigners.

We have not gathered here to meet me or the governor; we are here to say once again:  Our country will more forward sometimes with small steps and sometimes with large steps.

 This progress will definitely be reflected in the well being of all of our families!

Each Georgian should have its own share of success!

You have seen that we started everything from the reconstruction of Signagi, but we have presented the projects a few days ago, which will be implemented across the entire region of Kakheti.

Another government would only repair the center of Tbilisi, would repair roads, would invite foreigners, would only care about the appearance of things , but the main thing for me is not what the government will see, but what each one of you, our children will see and live with.

Certainly we welcome all kinds of healthy criticism and there is much to be criticized too – Our people are in poverty and I am well aware of this. They have many problems and that is what we are thinking about the most – specifically this is the main thing I owe you.

Georgia should move forward!

One very wise classical figure has said: if you stop and start throwing stones at every dog that barks at you, you will never reach the destination.

That is why, no matter who says what, we will take it to end and reach our aim. We will continue to carry on our path.

My friends, we have much work to do.

I travel a lot across Georgia and see that people still have a very hard time cultivating the land; prices on fuel have gone up – as instability takes place in the international arena, the price on diesel goes up. 

That is why we import tractors, ploughs, and are creating new agricultural centers everywhere. We have also decided to take a new initiative to parliament which will exempt the goods produced by farmers from taxes before they are shelved in stores.

Georgian products should constitute the main goods on every store shelf and reach local and foreign markets as well.  We will do our best to help all producers to cultivate the land and at the very least with this voucher. Of course those who think in millions will find this useless and will not be impressed by 20-30 GEL.

I know it well too that 20 or 30 GEL is but a drop into the sea, but sometimes even a tiny drop is important for the glass to become full.

Consequently, we need to finish what we are already doing.

I want to assure you that we will continue what we have started and will take it to the end.

Every hospital will be like this one and every hospital will be accessible.

Like the hospitals, every school will be repaired this year and next year and our children will go to better schools than those in Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands and Germany.

Our people deserve to live normally after so many years of suffering, misery, and humiliation and of being looked down on by different authorities, suzerains, feudal lords and conquerors.    

Our children deserve to be raised so that they never know about poverty and misery.

Recently, I often travel by an electric car, which runs off a battery instead of fuel.  

I also have my source of energy, though it is not dependent on wind and rain. My battery charges with your energy. Because of that, I thank you very much for giving me this energy.

On my side, I will do everything to take the job we have started to the end.

We should take the reconstruction of our country to the end and we should all prosper together.

Thank you very much.  

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