

The President of Georgia visited a seeding business in Akhalsopeli

Mikheil Saakashvili visited a seeding business in Akhalsopeli, Adjara. The President of Georgia familiarized himself with the technologies of the agricultural business. He also expressed interest in the installed equipment of international standards, regulating temperature and humidity. The Head of State spoke about the ongoing processes in the agricultural sector and focused attention on the adoption of modern technologies in Georgian agriculture.

“Any agricultural product will be sold in large numbers in Adjara, because soon we will have 3,4,5 million tourists each year visiting here. We have a free trade agreement with Turkey and we can also export our agricultural production. Our seaports will also assist in this process. By adopting modern technologies in the agricultural sphere it is possible even with scarce land conditions to create jobs and have high quality production. Today, when we are celebrating 8 years since the defeat of separatism in Adjara, the best way to celebrate is by creating new jobs. In the end, the relieved families are the best way for citizens to feel the value of returning to the constitutional space of Georgia. This is symbolic. Additionally, people who are employed here have their own income source and they are not dependent on state aid or their small gardens and yards. These people now have additional income and the ability to help their families. Aside from this, you know that small sewing factories and reproduction facilities are being opened around in this area. Hence, I think very soon the unemployment problem will disappear from this place.” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Today, it is possible to produce 2.7 million seeds of tomato, cucumber, pepper, and eggplant. The managers of the business are planning to increase the production to up to 4 million seeds.

36 local residents are employed by the business and they are raising qualifications with the help of an agronomy specialist invited here from Turkey.

It is planned to open such seeding businesses in other regions of Georgia as well. The President was accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Konstantine Kobakhidze, while touring the seeding business in Akhalsopeli.

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