

Mikheil Saakashvili inspected the newly-opened “Geocell” classroom in Kvareli


Mikheil Saakashvili visited #2 public school of Telavi today, where the “Geocell”classroom, equipped with ultramodern technologies, was opened. The President of Georgia personally assessed the classroom, in which teaching takes place through interactive techniques.

”Not every classroom of Georgia looks like this. We haven’t renovated all of the schools completely yet, but the fact that such a standard has been established proves that this generation will be 10 times ahead of my generation or any generation born before them. It is the merit of our generation that we are creating such prospects for the following generations. These children will be able to grasp more in terms of information, knowledge, and ideology than we can imagine. I think that we will have such classrooms in up to 100 schools next year and according to the 2015 Modernization Plan, we will have such classrooms in all schools of major cities, regions, and villages. One standard should be created for every classroom.

Tomorrow is “Iliaoba” in Kvareli. We wanted to give a present to Kvareli and ourselves, which is a new lake. We have also added the “Geocell” classroom to the list of presents and that’s how we are celebrating tomorrow’s holiday.” – stated the President of Georgia.

Mikheil Saakashvili joined the students of the first experimental school in Tbilisi live online and talked to the students and telling them that it was not only a competition but a means to perceive the world in a new way.

 “There is a Smart board and 13 monitors set up in the “Geocell” classroom,” which help involve the students in the teaching process to the maximum level possible.

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