

The President of Georgia assessed the process of negotiations regarding the membership of Russia in the WTO

The President of Georgia met with the negotiators who are conducting the dialogue on the membership of Russia into the WTO. Before the work group left for Geneva, Mikheil Saakashvili once again drew attention to the content of the document and the meaning of the offer of the Georgian side. According to the President, for the past 18 years the Georgian side has always acted in accordance with the national interests and the principles of international law during the negotiations.

“For the past 17-18 years, since 1992, Georgia has had a problem monitoring and controlling the cargo that crosses our borders and is shipped around the country. We always had a desire to control this cargo ourselves or through international monitors. This is exactly what the World Trade Organization does and this was our offer to Russia. The process has become more difficult because of open aggression, but after your joint efforts and a difficult process of negotiations we were able to return to the position that: The cargo which travels to Georgia or ships around Georgia has to be controlled by international observers” – stated the President of Georgia and he thanked the Georgian members of the negotiating team as well as Switzerland as the mediating side.

“I hope that we will bring all of this to an end as a decision is made in the next few days. I would like to thank my Swiss partners, because their work has been very constructive, especially during the last stage. It is Russia’s turn now. They will have to make a decision in the form of this document. I think that we have been acting in accordance with national interests and every principle of international law during the negotiation period. This is our final goal” – noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Chairman of National Security Council – Giga Bokeria, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs – Sergi Kapanadze and the Chief Advisor of the Prime Minister – Tamaz Kovziridze attended the meeting held at the Presidential Palace.

The last round of negotiations is scheduled for November 9th -10th  in Geneva. In the case that the sides find common ground, 153 countries will discuss the membership of Russia in the WTO on December 15. 

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