

Mikheil Saakashvili toured the ongoing rehabilitation works in Telavi


The President of Georgia toured ongoing rehabilitation works in Telavi today. Mikheil Saakashvili inspected ongoing rehabilitation works at Liberty Street and met with the local population at Alaznisveli Steet while speaking to them about planned activities and future plans.

“Every house will be roofed here however I came here with the mayor of Tbilisi, by the initiative of whom a new park was built.  Since the first day of the disaster the Tbilisi cleaning service workers have been working in Telavi. The main and reserve officers of our armed forces are also currently here. People arrived from every region in order to help Kakheti – I’ve met Khashurians, Batumians, Ozurgetians, Rustavians, and Kutaisians here and this is a common Georgian rehabilitation process. This process did not start by the disaster, however, the disaster gave us a motivation and the process will not end with eliminating the results of this disaster. This field park will be well accommodated, which is an expression of solidarity from the side of Tbilisi. “– noted the President.

The Head of State also expressed interest in the problems of local residents, and calmed those whose restoration works have not yet begun. According to Mikheil Saakashvili, the government of any country would not be able to accomplish fixing even 70% of these houses within a week. The government of Georgia, according to the President, has achieved it, which means that the country has an effective government.

I would like to tell Kakhetians; those whose restoration works have not yet begun: one third of the houses still need workers to arrive and start restoration, but we will reach every house and meet every victim. We could not start the process everywhere simultaneously – we did not have enough materials or workers, but we will definitely reach every family. Most importantly while fixing roofs, we will accommodate yards similar to those found in Switzerland and the Netherlands, continue providing food packages, assisting students and people, so that they do not have to stay out in the open. We must definitely end the work in the center of Telavi. This is the time to do everything – restore houses, create parks, develop the economy, and continue rehabilitation… we should turn Telavi into an exemplary city, a crown of Georgia’s rehabilitation” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Head of State is in Telavi with the Mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava who managed the services of cleaning, accommodation, and greening of the Tbilisi City Hall, are actively involved in the process of restoring the infrastructure.  The Tbilisi City Hall organized a small park at Liberty Street as a present for Telavians as well as an outside lighting system and roller coasters for children. With the initiative of Tbilisi City Hall, more small parks will be created by the end of August. By that time everyone will have natural gas, water and electricity in Telavi. The specialists continue to fix roofs and damages houses. 

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