

The President of Georgia held meetings with American lawmakers

The President of Georgia held several meetings with the representatives of the highest legislature of the United States within the scope of his official visit to the country.

The sides discussed the reforms implemented in Georgia since the Rose Revolution and spoke about the success that our country achieved in terms of fighting corruption, developing institutions, and its economy. They also talked about the future prospects of bilateral cooperation and noted that the relationship of the two countries has to advance to a new step, including in terms of security and economic partnership.

Congressmen Bill Shuster, Mario Diaz-Balart, John Garamendi, Duncan Hunter, Ted Poe, Jon Runyan and Sean Duff stated that the meeting with Mikheil Saakashvili was very interesting and productive. According to Congressman Diaz-Balart the success achieved by the country is a result of the President’s consistent actions, the collaborative work of the government, and the efforts of hard working people.

“Georgia is an example of what is happening in a country when people are hard-working, they live in a free country, and they have a President, who successfully defeats corruption and has an economic plan, which is exemplary for the rest of the world. The meeting with President Saakashvili was very interesting, but we were learning from him about the economic reforms which must be exemplary for everyone. The results show a lot and the today’s Georgia is exactly an example of this” – stated the Congressman.

While meeting with Mikheil Saakashvili, Congressman Duncan Hunter stated that not only does the United States value the successes of Georgia, but Russia does so as well. According to him, the statistical data reaffirms this – 500-700 thousand tourists from Russia visited Georgia this year.

“Not only does the United States value the successes of Georgia, but Russia does so as well. Everyone wants to go to Georgia. This year 500-700 thousand tourists arrived in Georgia from Russia alone. This is the place for business, tourism, the best education and all of this brings freedom” – stated Duncan Hunter.

The President of Georgia also met with Senators Bob Corker, Marco Rubio, and later John McCain, Lindsey Graham and James Risch. During the meeting they focused attention on the importance of Georgian troops participating in the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan and the fact that the United States properly values the contribution and backing of Georgia in this matter. They once again expressed their support of the territorial integrity of Georgia, while touching on the issue of Georgian-Russian relations.

“The meeting with Mikheil Saakashvili was extraordinary. We consider Georgia as the best example of progress. Corruption has been defeated in Georgia and this should be an example for other countries. According to the studies, Georgia is the best place in the world for doing business. We know that the country has certain security problems, because Russia does not want to recognize its right to be sovereign and independent. We are hoping for the future of Georgia and we will always stand side by side with the country. Very soon an active discussion will be held about a free trade agreement with Georgia in the Senate” – stated Marco Rubio.

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