

Mikheil Saakashvili opened a new hospital in Sagarejo

The President of Georgia opened a new hospital in Sagarejo today, which complies with international standards. Mikheil Saakashvili toured the hospital and visited the first patients. There are 6 newborns at the hospital. The President visited them and brought them presents.

“These hospitals are true indicators of the fact that there are serious redevelopment work going on in all unoccupied parts of Georgia. Despite the crisis around us, despite the economic crisis in our neighborhood - Russia and Europe, maybe we are not in ideal shape but rehabilitation is really going in Georgia – something is being done everywhere. In some places old things are being renovated, in some places new things are being built; this is one relentless process. It is important for us to not stop this process. No matter what happens, Georgia has to continue its course. We must not pay attention to threats and blackmail. Georgia only has one course and these hospitals are part of that course, as well as a part of the current condition of our people. We are developing every place in Georgia, because we need more development, more freedom, more democracy, more education, better healthcare and everything that people require of us, because we have promised to do it and we have no alternative. This is our message. That is why we are continuing our business and we will take it to the end. They often ask why the President is opening hospitals, first of all, this is an opportunity for me to meet people everywhere, and second of all, this is our and my personal Presidential program – to open 100 new hospitals. I want to remind everyone that as the initiator of the project, I am personally accountable that every one of them is built properly and is accessible. This is very important and it’s a larger challenge than constructing a nice building and opening well equipped hospitals” – stated the President of Georgia.

Mikheil Saakashvili also met with the local population and spoke with them about future plans.

The new Sagarejo hospital was built by GPI Holding. It has 25 beds and is equipped with ultramodern technology. General and ambulatory care is available at the new hospital. The new hospital will serve the entire Sagarejo region while employing 100 people. 

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