

Speech delivered by the President of Georgia dedicated to Police Day at Batumi Boulevard

My dear brothers-in-arms, honored guests, it is a special day for all of us today. Despite no sun up in the sky, sun appeared here at Batumi new boulevard - you made up a sun, with your columns.

You warmed up this place with your presence, like you are warming up and lightning whole Georgia with your work and your existence and bring bright lightning to many countries of the region and I can say it without any exaggeration - to whole world.

If many people dream about a country like Georgia, if this idea was created around Georgia, I don't want to use word "myth" - because it is reality, but so many talks about Georgia did something that was impossible to do, on this abandoned place by God of Soviet Union created solid basis of modern state - first of all it is your merit. 

Police reform was the first major reform that we had fulfilled. This reform gave a birth to all other reforms and still it maintains the status a symbol of our transformation, creation of our new statehood.  

The major difference between today's and old police are not just uniforms, cars, equipment or even salaries, but the fact that police was corrupted then and today's police is absolutely free of corruption. Major difference my friends is that Soviet police considered people as their property. People were the target of their humiliation, cursing and torturing.

Today police considers it belongs to people, represents people, defends people and serves their people. This is why people respond with love and you feel this in your service. You and your family members feel it in your daily live. People treat today's police with love and respect, as the defenders of their motherland and themselves.

The success of our police is obvious.

Georgia is number of fighter with corruption around the world by the findings of all objective international organizations.

Those people, who want to return corruption and organized crime fight with today's police.

Those people, who had special privileges in past oppose today our police. They had only privileges then, only they had good cars, they only had electricity at home - because they were the only ones who could buy generators. Only their children studied in good schools and they also had privileges of humiliating and suppressing others.

First of all those people oppose you who couldn't stand the fact that good carrier in Georgia is made not by good networking and friendship but by having skills of serving your motherland, your people and your future without having any interest.

Organized crime opposes Georgia today that was kicked out of the State.

We managed to abolish organized crime in our streets, we managed to kick out mafia from our prisons, more precisely - we managed to weaken and liquidate their positions.

We managed to get rid of organized crime, street and hooligan's mentality, "black understanding" from our schools. Look, where they oppose us the most - they oppose our police, mandatures, penitential reform, because all of this represents modern Georgia. They also oppose the idea of Georgian statehood and future.

Our enemy couldn't even dream in their most horrible dreams that they could ever agree on this place, they couldn't imagine that Georgians would ever create something that would turn it from backward addition to a successful country and starting from humiliated nations of empire state finishing with the capital of this empire - everyone would speak about success and reforms of Georgia; that a country that has no oil and gas, could ever build a city like Batumi and now builds other cities and villages; that we could ever increase the potential of defense. This country went through everything: economic and energy embargo, various provocations and finally the aggression of the largest and impudent state - however it didn't brake.  

I will never forget that day, when I was traveling from Western Georgia to the capital by a ordinary car, like an ordinary citizen, where several hundreds of armored vehicles came in. This road was intensively bombed by the enemy traffic was terrible and I will never forget the smiling strong policemen that were regulating the traffic in this chaos and under bombs. I will also never forget when Tbilisi was under bombardment many of you were fulfilling your duties, you were visiting the citizens with your smiling faces in order to give them traffic penalty checks - people were paying those checks calmly, because these checks were our messages - Georgian state exists and it knows what it is doing.

I remember a policeman approaching one of my close person that laughed at him and said: "It is true that I have to issue a penalty to you, but I came to you to say - everything will be all right, Georgian statehood will survive and we will maintain our independence by all means".

This is why the function of police is rather high that maintaining regular order. Police has a function of general statehood, however at the same time I want to tell you that in regards of public order crime in Georgia is rather less today than in our Northern neighbor state and in general on post Soviet space. The crime rate in Georgia is rather low than in Germany, France, England...

These are not only digits.

Our people know very well that in 2004, when we started carrying out the first reform of police, 30-40 cars were stolen a day. Today people don't even lock their cars, people can let their children go to school without having fear, they can feel themselves much more free in any period of time during the day or night, on any crowded or empty place. You did it all and despite challenges it is your merit that our economy develops with such a high tempo.

It is your merit that everyone dreams of Georgia - you did it all!

Today we are positive about our future and you did it together with everybody else.

Of course all of this is not done because you have warm seats or high salaries. Your salaries are rather low than you deserve, but Georgian State will always use every resource to increase these salaries.

Also we know that many of you have no living conditions, but we are working on this issue. First of all you work in order to give people of different ethnic or religious origins a feeling that this country belongs to them, to give this feeling to the representatives of all generations and first of all to those children that came here with you today. This is unreachable for our enemies and those who are crying for Georgia full of mafia, criminal - for Georgia that was kneeled down once.

No matter who is our enemy, no matter how they will resist us, how strong and organized are our adversaries, we will be more organized, spiritually stronger and what's most important we will have our dignity. The major thing we together with you restored in this country is dignity.

We all together returned to Georgia what is mostly unpleasant to our enemy - it is our dignity.

I want to congratulate you on this holiday!

This is a special day for every Georgian - it is a brilliant holiday of St George. It is a day of Adjara liberation and it is also a Police Day!

I want to wish you all success.

Finally we will gain victory by all means!

Thank you very much! 

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