

The President of Georgia attended an anniversary event of Rezo Gabriadze Theatre

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended 30th anniversary event of Rezo Gabriadze theatre. The theatre is fully rehabilitated - the communication system is completely changed in the building.

"I remember it was a fall sunny evening lake this three years ago, when we were sitting in the café together with Mr. Rezo. We hosted foreign delegation and he was speaking about starting creating this clock. He was making this clock with such a great attention and carefulness. Besides the fact that we have a genius director and creator, writer and truly a world phenomenon - without any exaggeration one of the biggest world artist in Georgia, Mr. Rezo is a very brave and strong person. He went through nine very hard surgeries, but he never stopped working on this tower. This is how a real genius and great artist has acted. I have seen many towers - in Prague, in Munich... We have a tower in Batumi as well, but look at this tower! Everyone must see this, who thinks that nothing of world class can be created in Georgia. Which tower is better than this? Prague can compete with it, but this tower is a world wonder on its turn. The harmony of greatness and certain circumstances always create a masterpiece. Without any exaggeration I want to say that this is a real masterpiece. Hundreds of years will pass and we will not exist any more, but this clock will stay eternally.

Mr. Rezo, you have created the center of old Tbilisi, we will restore everything around it. Practically we have to build from the very beginning, because wooden houses that stood here had simply rotted and no one knew when would they collapse. Majority is practically destroyed and new buildings were constructed that repeats its old style. Water system was fully changed, other systems are being changed as well. We still have to complete many things and we need one or two years in order to have final results. After completion, when we walk from Plekhanov Street, will pass Vorontsov, then walk down the bridge and get to old Tbilisi passing Anchiskhati. Tourists' route is being arranged and we will restore the whole road in such a way that no ugly house will remain there anymore. This tower will crown all this beauty and people from all sides will come here", the President of Georgia noted.

The idea, design and clock sketch belongs to Rezo Gabriadze. A plaster angel placed on clock will ring the bell every hour and every day at noon mechanical performance will be held. Tower presentation was held in ceremonial atmosphere and the president of Georgia attended this event together with City Mayor. Foreign guests attended the ceremony as well, among them those Russian film directors that were visiting Georgia within the frames of Russian film festival in Tbilisi.

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