

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Held her Traditional Briefing


The spokesperson for the President of Georgia started her traditional briefing with the decision, which the authorities have made recently after the wide range of consultations. It touches the issue of pension-growth, about which the President talked with the pensioners in city of Rustavi.

 "The main idea of it is that the amount of primary pension from September 1, 2011 will reach 100GEL on the whole territory of Georgia. The appendage will be added on the pension according to the length of service and a person's merit, while for socially unprotected citizens, in this case for pensioners, basic social package will be provided. Such decision is dictated by price increase in the whole world, and generally, because of inflation processes, it certainly touched our country as well. Besides, providing the package worth of $100 is the specific measure that the government promised the population before the elections.   

It is also significant that a kind of misbalance that used to be between compensation of pensions in Tbilisi and in the regions will be equaled. I.e. the pensioners from the capital-city and from the other regions will receive the equal amount of primary pension. Hence, the primary pension for pensioners from Tbilisi will increase by 10GEL and for those from the regions by 20GEL." - Manana Manjgaladze stated.

She claimed that the President charged the government with the task to deal with the pension-reform and to prepare the adequate proposal.

The spokesperson for the President once more reminded the society after having finished the distribution of 20-GEL-vouchers, from March 10 the distribution of 30-GEL-vouchers of food will take place in Georgia. She stated that these three proposals are envisaged by the Georgian government's plan, which was worked out together with the inflation problems by the authorities.

Manana Manjgaladze also talked about the President's future plans and stated that from March 10 the visit is planned in the US.

 "It might be said that this is the visit of investment and economic importance. In the framework of the visit the meeting with Donald Trump will be held and very important contract of important projects implementation will be signed. In the background of hard economic situation this is a serious break-through in investment. Political meetings are also planned. Mikheil Saakashvili will also meet the CEO of the World Bank and the sides will discuss the collaboration issues", - the spokesperson stated.

Manjgaladze claimed that while during the previous visit President of Georgia met with the President of the US Barack Obama, the vice-president Joseph Biden and the members of House of Representatives, during this visit Mikhei lSaakashvili will hold meetings with the US Senate officials.

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