

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held traditional briefing

The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia started her traditional briefing with the review of major events of the last week. First of all she stressed her attention on OSCE Summit held in Astana. "The statements made by practically all world leaders in regards of Georgia in Astana were of high importance. Full support towards territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia was reaffirmed in Kazakhstan. Besides this they openly required from Russian Federation to withdraw their forces and equipment from the occupied territories of Georgia, deriving from those obligations, fulfillment of which Moscow took on the basis of ceasefire agreement. Unfortunately Russia's unconstructive position once again became clear. Despite this fact, OSCE's steadfast position on defending territorial integrity and inviolability of boarders of Georgia was written in the final declaration and this major principal of OSCE once again was reflected in the conclusive document of Astana Summit", Manana Manjgaladze stated. As the Spokesperson noted the President of Georgia once again repeated country's position and his peace initiative on none use of weapons, declared at the European Parliament. As she said Mikheil Saakashvili sent an official letter to UN Secretary General, to the leaders of EU and OSCE, to NATO Secretary General, to the President of United States and the President of European Commission and informed them more clearly on Georgia's peace initiative in the written way.

Manana Manjgaladze spoke about economic initiatives as well; specifically she discussed issues of economic course and Economic Zone of Registration. She noted that EZR simplifies customs clearance procedures significantly, reduces time and expenditures in regards of these procedures. She said that Poti and Adlia EZRs will open in January, activation of which is part of new economic course that aims to defeat easting problems in business sphere by means of new cadre, new infrastructure and new tax code.

The Spokesperson stressed her attention on creation of new tourism zone in Anaklia. "One more economic initiative concerns creation of new tourism zone in Anaklia. The State gives land for free to the investor and takes obligation on leading communications in; new road is being constructed as well, Anaklia-Zugdidi airport will activate soon, medical water will go all the way to Anaklia. Like Kobuleti, investor will not pay taxes for 15 years. According to the proposal, if an investor builds a hotel, where number of rooms exceeds 100 - will be granted with permission on functioning casino without any charges. Though the State has one precondition - the construction must be over in 18 months", the Spokesperson stated.

She at the same time noted that new economic projects will create new jobs and employment process will become irresistible.

And finally, Manana Manjgaladze informed the journalists that the visit of the President of Georgia in Mexico has started today.

"16th meeting of Climate Change Conference is held in Mexico. This event started on November 26 and will continue to December 11 and is held in United Nations Framework Convention. 192 countries participate in it and about 20 world leaders and heads of the governments visit Mexico. The speech of the President of Georgia is planned during the conference. On December 9 Mikheil Saakashvili will lead the Round Table. The President of Georgia plans to hold various meetings during his visit", the Spokesperson noted. 

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