

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy today. The President of the European Council made a statement in which he expressed his support to Georgia and pointed out that EU continues its full support to Georgia's security, stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Herman Van Rompuy stressed his attention to the progress that Georgia has reached in respect of Eastern Partnership and in regards of agreement on associated membership. He noted that EU still continues support on peacefully resolving the conflict and named those activities that will be carried out in this direction.  

„ I welcome the progress of strengthening EU - Georgian relations after the launch of the association agreement negotiations in July. I expressed my appreciation to the President of Georgia on preparedness and pragmatic approach. We agreed on the need to further advance the necessary forms that would bring Georgia to the legislation line of the EU in key areas. We also agreed that both - visa facilitation and readmission agreements should enter into force soon. The strengthening of EU- Georgia relationship would be a further stimulus to Georgia to continue on reforms. European Union has always been consistent on emphasizing the importance of shared values, as referred to Eastern partnership and for the conclusion of the association agreement. Georgia has achieved substantial progress in this field and this must be recognized. Our expectation is that the process of consolidation democratic institutes should continue. In this framework a new constitution elector reform will be important benchmark. I underline the European Union's full support for the security, the stability and territorial integrity of Georgia, to expect in tight international community to do so as well.

I confirm to the President the commitment of the European Union to continue to be fully engaged in conflict resolution efforts. We have already mobilized several EU instruments for this purpose: the Geneva discussions, the EU monitoring mission, assistance to IDPs, just to name a few. We also discussed questions of regional stability particularly in light of the upcoming summit of the OSCE in December and Eastern Partnership Summit next May. We agreed that the only way to ensure lasting stability in the Southern Caucasus is by peaceful means and by the full mobilization of diplomatic and political efforts. This is an important message I to intend to take in the Summit in Astana as well. Finally the question of energy and energy security. You would recall that European council intends to devote significant time to this issue early next year,  future of the EU's energy supply and energy security is of course linked with this neighborhood as well. Including the countries of Eastern Partnership and beyond.  In this context I recognize the constructive role Georgia plays in development of energy transit route",Herman Van Rompuy stated.

According to the statement made by the President of Georgia Europe must not forget that Georgian territory still remains under occupation and that Russia is not fulfilling ceasefire agreement. The President of Georgia touched the issue of Georgia's dialogue to Russia in his speech. 

„We still remember your visit in Georgia as the President of the lower chamber of the Belgian Parliament in the aftermarket world. And strong statements supporting European values at very very crucial moment. And obviously we greatly value the cooperation we have, the refreshment we have and the integration process we have with European Union, because that is actually the only way Georgia can take, of course there are alternatives for Georgia, but for Europe Georgia is an ancient European country and we are looking forward to going back to its native house. On the one hand, the problem of Georgia faces now is of course the occupation of 20% of its territory and obviously European Union has been brokering  the ceasefire agreement, we will never forget the role European Union played on obtaining  the ceasefire, but we also hope that European Union will never forget that Ceasefire Agreement has never been implemented and is being violated on daily bases.

Obviously we welcome also any dialogue that European Union has with Russia, provided also that this dialogue is not used by Russia to divert away from the existing issue. People mustn't forget that Russia keeps occupying territory of the sovereign European country. Certainly we hope that European Union will have more permissions locally as well as your engagement will help gradually to solve this issue peacefully. On the other front we are working on preparing to open negotiations on the free trade agreement and I think we will be looking at, say, how our neighboring country Turkey is flourishing within European Union, and I think Georgia and Georgian case will have miraculous results once this thing is started, negotiated and then decided. We hope to arrange that very soon.

I am really pleased that already in January European Parliament will ratify hopefully the visa facilitation, that would make Georgians much easier to move around and hopefully one day we will get a vise free  access as well. In any case, this is our way; Georgia's way is European way. The great honor to meet you first time in this official capacity and we‘ll have good success", - Mikheil Saakashvili stated. 

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