

EU will never come to terms with Georgia's occupation

EU will never come to terms with Georgia's occupation - José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission stated after meeting the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili in Brussels.

"This is of course very sensitive issue, we have always kept political principles, as President Saakashvili just said. We defend on that matter of principles in integrity and sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Georgia. We have admitted clearly - We do not recognize the occupation of any part of Georgia. This is quite clear and we will keep that position", - Jose Manuel Barroso stated.  

In the opening speech the President of the European Commission spoke about Georgia-EU relationships.

"We had a very good meeting in NY in September. These meetings indeed  assigns our continued engagement with Georgia. I really appreciate that  atmosphere during our meeting. As you know EU has a very strong interests in the stability, prosperity and  in democracy, in our eastern neighborhoods - Georgia is very important partner in this vision. I would like to comment President Saakashvili on a number of achievements during recent years in bringing forward the agenda of putting political and economic reforms. We encourage Georgian fighters  to continue their efforts to increase political pluralism and  cosolidate  political institutions. Our bilateral  relations are progressing well and it is a good phase. We have launched negotiations on the associations agreement with Georgia in July which should also include a deep and comprehensive free trade agreement that will allow Georgia to access  the EU's market. Significant progress has been achieved on reparatory   measures but we need more efforts that are  needed for their implementation. The timing of  these nagotiations will begin quickly. This is very open exchange. We have also signed a visa  facilitation agreement  in June. It will enter into force together with the admission of UN sanction. You understand, the importance of these  major steps for Georgian citizens, as it will bring Georgian citizens closer to the EU. Concerning diversification of energy society groups the development of the Southern corridor is the key priority for EU. We'll  attach  great importance to the crucial transit role played by Georgia. I encourage  Georgia to formally imply for the membership of the energy community. This will enable further Deeping of  our relations and will reinforce Georgia's attractiveness for energy investors. I would also make clear for  President Saakashvili that EU fully supports security, stability and sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia. We expect the entire International community to do so  as well. Commission continues to implement post-war assistance package of  € 3.5 million of which around 97% is already committed. The EU has been  active as ashare with UN over since you led the discussions where we are working on  Police concerns for security and stability of the region. We are also the only organization to present on the ground on the monitoring mission, whose mandate has just been extended for other regions. I think we have made good progress today and we will keep our regular dialogue on key issues facing Georgia. And I like to thank once again President Saakashvili for the very open discussion that we had on issues that are of major importance for Georgia and for the European Union", - President of the European Community claimed.

During the speech Mikheil saakashvili focused on the current and future cooperation of EU-Georgia. He claimed that Europe is the only choise of Georgia and it doesn't have an alternative.

"President Barroso, I am always happy to see you here, as well as we always had very very productive meetings. The reason why I enjoy our meetings is that after every meeting something pleasant, good and positive happens. And that happens so really with any diplomatic relations. Actually, we just had statistics and out of most partner countries Georgian delegation comes twice as often in Brussels as nobody else. I think they are attracted by concrete results of the cooperation we had. You mentioned some of them. We will never forget the role implied personally in many principle and strong approach during negotiations, together with President Sarkozy on ceasefire agreement, on to occasions in Moscow, as well as the strong stance on post-war recovery and the importance of bringing European Union's mission that plays people to roll as well as used  last time and we stood here two years ago. You said Georgia would have visa facilitation and you kept your word. And again this is a difficult process, this is a procedure. We are very grateful that you kept promise. It makes much easier for Georgians to travel  to Europe, it makes  cheaper, it makes Europe more accessible for students, for scholars, for tourists, for people just to move around, and hopefully one day will get a visa-free travel, as well as what is more important the free trade agreement, we hope that we'll do our homework, to do our free trade agreement  opening already in the next few months, providing the negotiations proceed well. Having said that, you know we have very concrete cooperation, we are looking forward to Eastern Partnership Summit next year, and again this is one of the things that were commissioned to leadership, this hoping was put together. I remember very well our meeting in Prague when Eastern Partnership came together. And every message said in that meeting was later implemented and basically got very concrete results. That is why we are very optimistic about future cooperation. Georgia's choice is Europe, there is not any alternative for Georgia, but being in Europe. Hopefully Europe will appreciate more and more looks at Georgia, not just as a neighbor country, not just as a partner nation, but also as a future integral part of this great union. But of course this is a long future to take and we are still taking step by step to approach all of them", - Mikheil Saakashvili stated. 

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