

President Calls Upon International Community to Intensify Efforts to Return IDP’s to Abkhazia

Speaking to a crowd of students and school children at the Ganmukhuri youth camp, President Saakashvili today called on members of the international community to do more to intensify their efforts to allow the swift return of internally displaced persons to their native homes in Abkhazia, Georgia.

"We demand that international organizations speak out, that the UN and other organizations explain what they have done in order to correct one of the worst crimes committed against humanity in the 20th century: the absolutely mindless, inhumane ethnic cleansing that took place in Abkhazia. Resolutions must turn into action, so that all of the refugees - not just in Gali...but in Ochamchire, Gagra, Bichvinta, Sukhumi and elsewhere can return. I want to tell all bureaucrats that together we must raise our voices against that which undermines the conscience of mankind and the principles of humanity. Together we must all manage to establish peace once again in our multi-ethnic, centuries-old country".

Commenting on the current lack of progress in the return of internally displaced persons, President Saakashvili remarked on the criminal nature of Abkhazia's ethnic cleansing. "Imagine that a bandit kicks you out of your house, appropriates your property and lives in that house. Then the police come and advise you not to walk along that street in order to avoid angering the bandit and that it is better to steer clear and just leave. This is immoral and we will not leave. Let those bandits leave and allow the return of the rightful citizens and owners. This is morally correct and necessary".

Regarding efforts to illegally appropriate property in Abkhazia, President Saakashvili explained, "There has been quite a stir in the past few days about the illegal selling of property in Abkhazia. This property was snatched up during one of the most immoral and still forgotten ethnic cleansings - the expulsion of nearly 500,000 people from Abkhazia. These 500,000 people included 300,000 ethnic Georgians; tens of thousands of ethnic Jews, Pontic Greeks, Ukrainians, Russians, Estonians and many Abkhaz. I have seen and met representatives of many of these communities around the world. I want to tell everyone that this property belongs to these people and that the Georgian State will protect them".

Speaking about Georgia's plans for the peaceful reunification of the country, President Saakashvili stated, "Our task is to unite Georgia, to have peace in Georgia and create conditions for the development of each and every citizen. Our task today is to maintain and develop the economy with each passing day - this year we will have double digit economic growth. We must build more new homes, and new cities, from Sighnaghi to Shaori, from Kutaisi to Batumi, from Zugdidi to Sukhumi. We do not need any more destruction".

"Today, our people, our population, our multi-ethnic society, which consists of Ossetians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, ethnic Georgians and people of other ethnic groups has understood that we are united today and that is our strength. Now the most important thing is rolling up our sleeves and getting down to work".

"Each young person here is better than the next. You have nothing in common with Soviet pioneers, thankfully. Our camps are where friendship, love for our fellow citizens and love for our homeland are taught, where people are taught that we are part of a greater whole - our united country. I want to thank you all very much. I want to tell you that this year we have 30,000 young people staying at youth camps and that we will increase this number to 50,000 next year and double the number of kids at this camp. I wish you success and victory".

press Office
of the President of Georgia

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