

President Saakashvili briefs on ongoing events

President Mikheil Saakashvili at a press conference held on September 9 at the State Chancellery discussed the ingoing issues in the country particularly emphasizing the economic processes taking place in Georgia. "By the end of the year there would not be a single region in Georgia without proper roads," President Saakashvili said adding that such wide scale reconstruction works have never taken place in the history of Georgia.

President Saakashvili also discussed the energy issue stressing that the changes are for the better in this sphere. According to President Saakashvili if the population pays the fee it is possible for all the regions of Georgia to have 24 hours energy supply. However due to the damaged energy system he did not exclude power interruptions.

President Saakashvili also put an emphasis on the issue of breakaway regions stressing that the top aim of the Georgian government is to reunite Georgia and the vision of his own life is to get back Abkhazia.

In his speech President Saakashvili also discussed attacks on media stressing that without media the ongoing reforms in the country is impossible. "If somebody dared to put pressure on media I would be his worst enemy. It is an attack on my own prerogatives, ideals and authority," President Saakashvili stressed.

President Saakashvili commented also on the changes within the Ukrainian government, called President Yushchenko's decision brave and expressed his deep hopes that the ongoing events in Ukraine would not harm Ukraine-Georgia relationship.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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