

The Presidents of Georgia and Azerbaijan made joint statements


After meeting bilaterally, Mikheil Saakashvili and Ilham Alyiev made joint statements. The leaders spoke about the details of the meeting and the projects that the two countries are implementing jointly. Namely, attention was focused on the importance of the Kars-Akhalkalaki railway project. As the President of Georgia stated, this railways is in the country’s national interests and it must be perceived in terms of regional cooperation because it has geopolitical and strategic meaning. According to him, Azerbaijan is an important international player, Georgia’s strategic ally and guarantee of regional security.

“Nobody has done as much for Georgia as Azerbaijan. Of course this is a personal merit of the President of Azerbaijan which our people are already accustomed to. I am glad that the Prime Minister of Georgia has also visited Baku and it is important for him to be assured in the necessity of continuing cooperation with Azerbaijan. The real strategic and geopolitical turnover that we are implementing together is very important. This is the Kars-Akhalkalaki Railway as well as the Baku-London Railway. We must complete this project during the current year. This is a window to Europe for Georgia and Azerbaijan, a truly historic chance to finally reach Europe as well as an important chance for developing various regions of Georgia. Creating any kind of obstacles for this project would mean going against Georgia’s national interest and a long term catastrophe. This is why we must completely eliminate doubts about this project and talks about making it alternative work because this is betrayal of Georgia’s national interests. This would also be against regional cooperation. Our road to NATO and Europe goes through dense cooperation with Azerbaijan and Turkey. For us this is not only a geographic but also geopolitical road” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The Head of State noted that Azerbaijan has been standing side by side with Georgia for years, and there are no circumstances under which the friendly relations of the two countries will change. According to him, cooperation must continue which will assist regional development.

Ilham Alyiev once again stressed that for Azerbaijan Georgia remains an important strategic partner, and regional security is dependent on deepening this relationship. During his address, he spoke about the reforms implemented in Georgia, and noted that the ongoing political processes are indicating dynamic development of the country.

“Numerous projects have been implemented in order to deepen relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia and it continues today as well.  This project will influence the ongoing processes in the region and its stability positively. The project has a great meaning for Azerbaijan as well as your country.  Georgia is on the road of dynamic development. Numerous reforms have been implemented in the country which is an indicator of sustainable development. Not only the countries of CIS but others are also studying your case. Our joint projects have been assisting development of our countries and I hope this tendency will continue in the future.” – stated the President of Azerbaijan.

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