

President Saakashvili meets newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris

As part of his ongoing official visit to France, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili was one of the first world leaders to be received by newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy in his Paris residence. During a face-to-face meeting the presidents discussed issues of bilateral cooperation, prospects for Georgia's integration with Euro-Atlantic structures and the so-called frozen conflicts in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Saakashvili and Sarkozy laid out their foreign and domestic policy priorities and spoke about deepening economic cooperation between Georgia and France.

Nicolas Sarkozy said that he supported Georgia's territorial integrity and noted that he had clearly stated his position at an earlier meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. At that meeting he noted that a possible "Kosovo model" could not be applied to the resolution of Georgia's separatist conflicts.

Afterwards, Saakashvili spoke to journalists about the outcome of the meeting.

"The era of a silent France is over. The attitude towards foreign policy views has changed. It is time for France's new government and new president to have their say in world political processes and become more active in all areas. The time of not speaking up must come to an end.

"I had a very good meeting with Nicolas Sarkozy. We spoke about several important issues, specifically, the new Europe policy and strengthening Georgian-French relations in terms of political, economic and military cooperation. Our positions are the same. We know that France supports our country's foreign policy course and I hope that we will work together even more closely in the future," Saakashvili said.

Following the face-to-face meeting between Saakashvili and Saarkozy, a Georgian delegation and a group of French officials held a meeting in an expanded format.

Saakashvili invited his French colleague to visit Georgia. Sarkozy is expected to travel to Tbilisi this autumn.

Also during his Paris visit, President Saakashvili held meetings with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Defence Minister Herve Morin, as well as with visiting US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Nicholas Burns. Saakashvili and Burns discussed cooperation between the USA and Georgia, the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Georgian-Russian relations. Burns told journalists afterwards that the USA supported Georgia's territorial integrity and its integration with NATO.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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