

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili headed the Government session in Zugdidi

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili headed the Government session in Zugdidi.

Besides the cabinet members local administration chiefs attended the session as well. Social problems, road rehabilitation, "Batumi without barracks" in different regions of Georgia and other issues were discussed during the session.

The President got familiarized with ongoing works from the ministers and gave specific tasks to the government members. The session focused particularly on the conflict regions.

Mikheil Saakashvili spoke on the resolution adopted by UN General Assembly.

The President of Georgia noted that it took 15 years for UN to recognize an ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia.

"No one needed additional headache before today, but now an international society got interested in Georgian problems. It took 15 years for UN to recognize that an ethnic cleansing of Georgians took place in Abkhazia and I do not understand why this fact made Russia angry. Why should Sergey Lavrov have to phone over thirty foreign ministers of various countries? I do not understand why this should be a matter of dispute with Russia?" stated the President of Georgia.

The President said that one of the Georgian TV channels made a mistake today, when they announced that 250 000 Georgians were expelled from Abkhazia.

"500 000 people were expelled from Abkhazia, not only ethnic Georgians, but Greeks, Jews and all those people, for whom Abkhazia is their homeland, like Georgia. We must not forget this".

Mikheil Saakashvili tasked the Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Foregin Affairs not to allow illegal foreign investments take place in Abkhazia.

"The Commonwealth of Nations finally reviews Georgian issue adequately. I reiterate our peaceful intentions and at the same time I want to give an instruction to the Justice Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - do not allow even single illegal investment in Abkhazia, Georgia; do not allow selling of even a single house in Georgia's Abkhazia, because these is the land and houses belonging to our citizens, which should be returned to their legal owners".

"Rtveli 2008" will be held not for the wine companies but for the peasants who grow grapes. He said that the government must provide conditions for free market and business struggle.

"Last year several strong companies agreed and reduced the price of grapes artificially to one GEL. The same won't happen again this year. We have to support high price for grapes. I promise this and the government will work night and day to fulfill this promise", stated the President.

Mikheil Saakashvili said that the problem of unemployment is still very critical in Georgia. He said that a 50-day program helped our country a lot, but now we need a 50-month program - when this program finishes there will be not a single person left without a job in Georgia.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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