

Mikheil Saakashvili met the members of parliamentary majority in Tsinandali

Mikheil Saakashvili met the members of parliamentary majority in Tsinandali.

"Today our parliamentary majority has a guest session.

Mr. Gia Arsenishvili, who doesn't let anyone have a minute's peace concerning Kakheti, knows it very well but I want to tell the others too. It took us two hours to come to Telavi, as soon as vintage starts in August we will start building Gombori road.

In reality Telavi will become a Tbilisi suburb, or on the contrary Tbilisi will become a Telavi suburb, and this will assist the development of this region.

David Tkeshelashvili spoke about building Mestia road, we are planning to start it in the nearest days. We will construct a concrete road to Mestia within one year.

It means that hundred times more tourists will visit Svaneti. People will move there.

We must use world economic crisis to develop new Georgian infrastructure.

We must help our people during the harvest much more.

We have a perspective to enter world wine market.

We can sell as much wine this year as we used to sell before Russian embargo. So we must take care of our vineyards.

I met the Chairman of US Foreign Affairs Committee. US Congress started to move forward on free trade treaty with Georgia.

It means that we will be able to enter US market without any taxes.

I was in Jordan with the invitation of King. We have much better perspectives if we do this on time.

Georgia became a member of EU East Partnership. This is EU's response on the August war.

We will get free trade agreement in the frames of this partnership and step by step will move on visa-free regime.

One positive thing that world crisis brought us is that foreign trade balance has increased.

My predecessor often gives us some directives on TV, when he was the President the main Georgian exporting product was scrap metal.

Starting from 2005 share of scrap metal in total export came down from number one and now it is actually on the hundredth place and I think now it is not even exported at all.

There was an incredible machine tool factory in Senaki.

All these machine tools were sold out. The person, privatized it, went to the ministry of economy and bribed someone. Somebody sold this factory out, brought a Mercedes worth of 50 000 US $ and was very happy.

All canneries were sold out and destroyed. These people must avoid us and on the contrary they permanently criticize us. If someone wants to sell scrap there are lots of cages, which can serve as perfect scrap metal and they can sell their own scrap.

We will produce a lot of different products and will be part of exporting countries.

I want to say that the Georgian society demonstrated special wisdom and has not yielded to any provocation, which was plotted both within and outside Georgia.

The Georgian society, which is in hardship and which has lots of problems, when the best parts of our territory is occupied by very aggressive and dangerous force, showed special wisdom, patience and courage not to yield to any provocation.

We are in debt before our population. There is a good dialogue within the parliament, the number of opposition members is rather small as well.

All kinds of dialogue must be carried out inside the parliament, so happens in every civilized country. The parliamentary opposition hits us on the most painful spots.

I got very angry several times because I turned on TV and heard that a member of the parliamentary opposition said that some particular Ministry is ignoring the interests of many people inside the Ministry. They are hitting us in the point.

The government needs serious parliamentary control. There are some people among radical opposition, who assess this situation properly. Various political figures have emerged within the radical opposition groups, including those who take a more responsible approach and who assess the situation more realistically.

For that reason they have no way back for retreat, thanks God no one takes their statements seriously.

The calls of the Opposition caused a lot of damage not to the comfort of the Georgian government members. There are people who believe these. Let them believe in these lies. They were proving that this residence belonged to Saakashvili. This is a very good moment to realize that a lie has short legs.

Georgian government has so many problems that it is impossible to list them all.

We are hit from various angles. Sometimes I think that if any radical group notices that we walk on water, they would say that we cannot swim and will criticize us for it.

The medium layer of the society was formed in Georgia. This is the layer of the society, which is not interested in any destabilization. The tax system is still in a good shape, investments started to come in.

A decision was made the day before yesterday and Georgia will soon receive this money.

Hospital projects were terminated long ago and now they started again.

People will get jobs on construction projects and our doctors will have best conditions.

We opened an enriching factory in Tkibuli.

Earlier, people got rich this way - Shalikian - who is one of the financers of what happened in Georgia recently - built one small booth and said it was a factory, but there was nothing inside it. In village Mukhura that never had a road, he moved the tractors on this road, imitating that he constructed it. If not the revolution Shalikian would have eaten the whole Tkibuli and local population there.

Now these people are trying to come back and somehow return all of it. It will never happen so - Georgia is now a very different country.

Now we are a State. If someone misses Shevardnadze, they can go and visit him in Krtsanisi. Today Georgia is in a different epoch.

We were able to maintain stable banking system.

We must assist our banks to issue more credits.

We must do everything to make sure that investments are coming to Georgia.

Foreigners come to Georgia and put their money in Georgia in order to give people jobs. A huge hotel was built in Batumi, it is the best hotel in the whole black sea region.

Hundreds of people work there. Do you think that Italians when they work in their hotels have less dignity or what does it mean?

These people work for their families and develop their own country.

Our main mission should be export development.

We must overcome this crisis and have minimal loss after the crisis is over. Crisis had a negative impact on us all, but in reality the crisis did not have a negative effect on Georgia on the whole. Our PM Gunava said that what happened in Georgia in Communist period for five years in a row, is happening in Mengrelia in one year.

Water was always a problem for Kakheti region.

Now there is running water in every village around Georgia. Natsvlishvili worked on it a lot.

Peter Tsiskarishvili did a lot and George Gviniashvili also does a lot. Not long ago we were constructing a road in Kobuleti. We noticed signs of asphalt there. Now there is a concrete road, there will be several villages which we are going to connect with each other. One of the connecting roads of Guria and Mengrelia passes on the most fertile lands in this region.

During last several weeks we all saw that the street politics is becoming a history in Georgia once and for all.

Those who love this country and who have no liabilities of that kind and who are not caught with their ears will of course be in favor of a dialogue.

No one will be able to cause disturbance to our country by banging guns and stamping with feet.

The country with so many challenges needs very effective presidential institute.

The cases are not resolved through bribes any more in Georgia.

We have appointed many competent Judges that are institutionally independent.

We must agree on developing a good election system, when we count our votes and will admit results.

All of us must work together to make elections fair. When we, the politicians agree that we admit this constitution, that we are for this election system, we all together decide that this number of observers is enough to hold everything well, then elections will really be one of the tools to release political tension in the country.

Our aim is to agree on the way of the dialogue. We must involve even the most radical and smallest groups in this process.

When we fulfill all of this, then our main mission must be to develop a modern European country in the Caucasus.

What was the difference between the Baltic Countries and us. When Russians entered Baltic Republics with tanks, their custom officers were armed by rubber-clubs only.

They intentionally did not take weapons, because they knew that these weapons would be used during their civil war. Georgia needs new blood least now.

Georgia needs unity, dialogue and development now.

This is our mission at this stage. We will be able to move even in this direction.

When we take care of our economy and minimize the results of the crisis, we will move on the way of development.

These radical groups look extremely bad today, but we must not be happy, because it influences our country in a bad way.

We must be a modern civilized European state. And we will reach this by the means of a permanent dialogue.

I want to express my special gratitude to the parliamentary minority. It was an illusion to count on the majority's shattering unity.

There was an illusion that there would be a discord within the police.

There was an illusion that there would be a discord within the Armed Forces.

But you see what had happened - nothing could be measured by the actions of two or three officers. Georgia overcame one more challenge.

We have proved that we are unified.

The owner of this land defeated Shamil.

This was our instinct that Caucasians must fight with each other.

Our enemy knows very well how important Georgia's success is for the success of the rest of the region. How important Georgia's success is for the creation of new reality.

Our fight is not over, our fight will continue to the final victory.

I never make personal decisions", stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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