

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment on the resolution presented at the UN General Assemble

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment from Kakheti on the resolution Georgia presented at the UN General Assemble by the Georgian side. It must be voted today and it will give a chance IDPs and the refugees to return to their homes without any restraints according to the stated agenda.

"At the UN Assemble this document will be discussed, it envisages unconditional return of the IDPs to the occupied territories. Not many could manage to receive the right of the unconditional return. This is a very difficult process. Last year we submitted this resolution, but EU didn't support it and we received 15 votes only against eleven. First of all this year we hope that EU will support it and this will be the most important step forward that we can achieve and on the other hand Russia frightens everyone and uses the method of the blackmail. This will be the great punch for Russia - first of all it is the full support of Georgia's territorial integrity, but the other hand all their activities that will be carried out with the aim of confiscating their privacy or not letting them enter their homes will be declared as illegal by the biggest international forums. In this case earlier or later they will have to pay. I personally know that Russia promised financial aid to some countries, they promised them with one aim - not to sign this document and to recognize the independence of the conflict regions. They directly told these countries that as soon as they vote this resolution, not to expect anything from Russia, which will always create some problems. If this resolution is voted, this will mean that their weapon becomes old", stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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