

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened new paper enterprise in Tserovani


Today is one more effective day for my country and me. Today we opened this enterprise and today it is first time when I saw this type of production produced in Georgia.

We used to have big factories in Georgia producing paper, but unfortunately in 90ies everything stopped and I am glad that today I am meeting specialist of this field.

Here are the specialists who have big experience but haven't had a chance to work for already long time.

I was very glad when you told me that these people are gold fund for your enterprise.

I came here to fulfill my promise, we gave this promise to these people, they need support and assistance from our state; these people were robbed by occupants.

They took away our houses, our plots of lands, our yards; the occupants took everything.

I know very well that you had much better houses, much better yards and those cottages that we built last year in two months and a half won't replace them.

I know as well that something done in two months cant be ideal, somewhere the water leeks, but what's more important everyone has a roof and a minimal assistance that we promised them.

I always said that humanitarian aid is good, but temporary, a house is a required minimum.

Our major promise was that the people lifing in these houses should be socially required and employed somewhere.

Cheap credit program was put into action first of all in order to build such factories.

This is not only the new factory in Georgia, but the fulfillment of our promise to you. Besides houses and minimal conditions - you must have jobs.

It's very important.

It's important that the government doesn't give promises in vain. No matter how hard is it is for the budget, no matter how difficult is geopolitical situation, if we said that we would give people jobs, everything should be done for this.

Many thanks to the founders of this enterprise, this promise was fulfilled with the assistance of "Neoprint".

It is a very important period in Georgia now. We have to realize that our future is in our hands - in the hands of the government, business and each of us.

Any enterprise that will open will be our victory in the fight for our future.

Every job given to people is a step forward in this fight.

If Georgia's economy is saved and it will be saved, if stability is maintained, if we are able to keep our families and our country stands on strong families, despite of our enemies' tricks we will return everything and bring our mission to the end.

There is crisis in the world and everyone expected that there would be no money put into Georgia and it would destroy Georgian economy.

There is such agency "Fitch". The amount of investments that will be brought into Georgia and how many such enterprises will open to give people jobs, depends on the evaluation of such agencies.

This agency lowered the ratings of all countries, and the only country that was estimated to be improved, having more stability after spring is Georgia.

I noticed on my way here that many constructions renewed. It happens because the banks started issuing credits again.

The interest on credit lowered by 2 percent. This is small economic movement, but it means that in Georgia we are successful.

Construction will again start in Georgia. I expect that the banks will start issuing credits starting in the end of September. I consider that now as never before is the time for investment.

New roads are built in every direction, as well as hospitals and schools. Many other projects are fulfilling as well.

The school built in Tserovani is a very good example of business cooperation.

I visited Tamarasheni, Kekhvi and other high schools many times. It was very important for me that local children would go to better schools than in Tamarasheni, which was destroyed by the occupants.

It is very good that business supports us and we managed to fulfill our promise.

My dear people, my major promise is of course the integration of Georgia - to return what we have lost and to be happy together.

We will have to work a lot, but this enterprise is one step forward to this aim.

This new production with European and Georgian symbols is a big brick in the construction of new Georgia.

New Georgia is being built with such bricks.

Thank you very much for this.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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