

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made a special statement on the resolution adopted at the UN General Assembly session

I have to say that this is a very important resolution, which envisages the right of an unconditional return of refugees.

This is a resolution, which condemns carrying out the demographical changes by force, so practically it includes ethnic cleansing and Russian aggression as well.

This is a resolution defends property rights - this was the most important thing what was taken away by Russians last year in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

This is the first resolution that was adopted by the UN to support all these since last year's August hot phase beginning.

I want to say that this is not a simple resolution, because it was preceded by long fight.

Only in the last weeks Russia used all the forms of blackmailing, pressure, bribing - these are the forms that Russia possessed after Soviet regime. Russia promised some countries financial aid, it threatened some other countries, they managed to threaten some high officials, who had to lead these sessions and discuss procedure issues.

In the morning today Russia tried to put 19 corrections in the draft resolution and tried to use all tricks in order to cause the resolution fail. First it put a procedure issue on the agenda not to discuss the above-mentioned project at all, 64 countries voted against it.

This is unprecedented high quorum against the issue put by Russia.

After this Russia was forced to call back its corrections and the resolution was adopted by 48 votes, three times more votes if compared with last year's votes.

In spite of Russia's pressure, in spite of Russia discussing natural gas prices, various aspects of bilateral relations now Europe, all the members of the EU supported the right of unconditional return of the refugees, condemned demographical displacement by force on the Georgian territories and of course supported the territorial integrity of Georgia.

It once again shows that the truth is on out side.

There is a long fight before us, but Russia tries to keep in its control what it managed to "swallow" last year.

It will not happen.

Georgia will not live with the aggression, occupation and annexation carried out against it in 21 century and none of the democratic countries will do.

Ethnic cleansing was carried out - this is a crime against the mankind.

After what they did, no one can have illusion that they will have normal relations and normal negotiations with one or another part of Georgia.

Hitler used to speak with such rhetoric after annexing Czechoslovakia.

They will never find support in our country, in spite of the fact that they are doing their best to do it and spend huge amounts of money.

We will never give up our major right - our independence and territorial integrity of our country. Neither today's government nor any future political force will give this idea up.

I want to underline that we have moved forward in International Organizations and we reached it in the price of long fight.

I once again want to say that in spite of all the possible tricks Russia had put into action, starting with energy and finishing with PR that they own, and corruption methods that they use today they are diplomatically defeated.

This diplomatic defeat is strange as well as shameful for Russian government, because according to today's resolution - people who were displaced and deprived of their property, must return to their homes.

This is a most simple right of a person.

I want to tell everyone, who still has a sentimental attitude to Russia's present policy - when our country's leadership doesn't support this issue, what topic can we discuss with them - with the aggressive, military-political establishment?

Freedom is very precious for us, for the whole region, for our partners and our strength will finally defeat a much bigger aggression and aggressors, first of all in the legal, moral and all other perspectives.

I want to point out how successful the work of our mission in New York is. We have never had diplomacy of this level before. There is always a chance to improve anything in any possible direction, but we have learned to defend our rights together with our partners.

We have to work much harder in order to finally finish everything with de-occupation of Georgia, restoring the country's territorial integrity as well as restoring the rights on property of our citizens and their human rights as well.

Thank you!

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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