

The President of Georgia attends Francophonie Summit

The President of Georgia MIkheil Saakashvili attends Francophonie Summit in Montro, Switzerland. Georgia has a status of an observer, which doesn't envisage the President's speech. But, in spite of this the participants of the Summit considered Mikheil Saakashvili as a very important guest and made an exception and gave the President special time for his speech.

Besides, there was a resolution adopted at the Summit, one point of which is fully dedicated to Georgia and by means of which the member states of the organization fully support Georgia's territorial integrity in the internationally recognized borders. At the same time it is underlined, that they agree with the idea of continuing the format of Geneva Talks and support the resolution of UN on unconditional return of IDPs. In the resolution text the participants of the Summit expressed the requirement of fulfilling six-point agreement from Russia. 70 countries participate in the Francophonie Summit and mainly the country leaders present their countries.

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