The President of Georgia awarded the founders of "Salobie" with the diploma of "The Best Public Restaurant of Georgia"
Mtskheta Salobie is one of the oldest and almost historic Georgian facilities. This is a place that was created by very talented people and it has existed for 45 years already. Today, when Georgia wants to prosper private business, when we want to open many small enterprises, in order to give people a chance to have their own incomes by their hard work - build hotels, cafés, restaurants, to turn agricultural or industrial small enterprises, knowledge, talent and experience into concrete incomes, I think that this facility is a very important example for those, who start their business now.
We must learn something permanently.
For example, yesterday we opened an enterprise, where 120 people are employed, among them 100 representatives of those families, whose houses were taken by the occupants. While opening this enterprise, I said that we should learn processing of food products better. The patriots of "Kupati" and "Khashlama" got together at once: what was it that Saakashvili said, it seems we cannot produce anything with our products. We have to learn something new daily - the life doesn't stand on one place.
We have a unique cuisine, every part of Georgia has a specific cuisine - for example it is absolutely unique in Adjara and 90 percent of the Georgian population hasn't even tested their food; of course the cuisines of Mengrelia, Imereti, Kakheti, Kartli - which is really very interesting, Georgian-Ossetian cuisine and I would say that the people of Khevi have special cuisine as well... Each represents a unique, world level cuisine, though as Sukhishvils created a new product from the dances that we had had for centuries, the dances that they introduced to the whole world... We have to develop permanently in the same way. Among them in this sphere - in the sphere of culinary, in order to spread the name of Georgia all around the world and to feel better inside.
In the period when this facility was open its creator did exactly what I am speaking of - he created a totally new product that existed for decades.
This is the people's restaurant of Georgia, because there are the lowest prices and the highest standards here. When everybody lowered the quality of their production you have maintained it for decades.
When everything crashed the only place in Georgia that you could go to was this very restaurant. Even today the biggest number of people love to come here, they love this place and if not the whole society, the majority has been here.
This is why I want to make a lyrical turn from today's celebration and tell everyone: this is the example of making a successful business! I want to add that they are one of the best tax-payers in Georgia. I want to hand you a diploma "The Best public Restaurant of Georgia", which was made specially and we never awarded anyone with it earlier.
This restaurant is available for everyone. It doesn't exist for the elite or high officials. Earlier it didn't exist for the Secretaries of the Central Committee. Today it doesn't exist for the Parliamentarians and business circle. Of course I don't want to compare these two, but the time is different now.
This facility is totally available for the people - for poor, rich, the middle class. Everyone is glad to come here, everyone is glad to sit
side-by-side and spend a date here or stop by when returning from the West.
Speaking shortly, your creation in truly people's product.
I want to thank you and hand a diploma to your manager and I hope that this diploma will be hang in main hall of this restaurant. I wish you success.