

President Saakashvili calls emergency energy council meeting

On January 19 President Mikheil Saakvishvili called an emergency energy council meeting to discuss the country's energy policy. Minister of Energy Nika Gilauri reported to the President on existing situation in the Georgian energy system. 
President Saakashvili stated that with the joint effort of the energy sector workers and the Georgian government electricity is supplied to the whole Georgia without any interruption. "We are under a great pressure. Russia clearly demonstrated that it is going to use its energy supplies as a tool of political pressure on Ukraine and Georgia," President Saakashvili said stressing that the Georgian government is doing everything to avoid increase of tariffs for the population this winter. 

According to Mikheil Saakvishvili at this moment the main objective is to ensure sustainable energy system and diversification of energy sources, which in its turn ensures George's energy independence. 

According to the minister of energy Nika Gilauri existing energy situation in Georgia is the following: 

·Last year 1,400 MW was generated, however this year it has reached 1,700 MW. Today the maximum demand for energy is 1650 MW;

·Number of systemic power interruptions decreased five times;

·Collected electricity bills increased from 15 -25 per cents to 75 per cent. In 2005 there was a record-breaking figure - 85 per cent; 

·We can also receive energy from Azerbaijan. It means that in case Russia cuts electricity supply to Georgia, we will be able to receive it from Azerbaijan.

·For the first time after 15 years the whole Georgia has 24 hours energy supply; 

·Compared with last year, demand for natural gas increased from 1,3 billion cubic meters to 2,2 billion cubic meters;

·In the next 7-8 years Georgia will need 2000 MW energy power. We will be able to generate it locally. For this reason we start working to fully exploit our energy hydro resources. The tender that will take place in June 15 will identify those companies which will rehabilitate existing power plants and will build new plants within three year. It will enable us to put in order the Georgian energy system. For today, rehabilitated power plants will add 800 MW to the Georgian energy system which will enable us to supply the customers with the locally produced electricity. When Khudoni hydroelectric power plant is finished Georgian energy system will be able to export energy. 

·By the end of January two new gas turbines will be put into operation which will add 110 MW to the Georgian energy system. The energy generated in one year will amount to 150 MW. Gas turbines are necessary for more stability and sustainability. 

·Negotiations are being held with the neighboring states to build new energy routes; 

·We are working to develop our own gas resources, which will enable us to satisfy about 25 per cent of demand by our own gas;

·Intensive consultations are being held to create an alternative energy corridor for Europe. With the joint initiative of Mikeil Saakashvili and Victor Yushchenko this energy corridor will cross Georgia from Central Asia and will provide energy resources to the European countries without crossing Russia. 

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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