

The Statement of the President’s Administration

Lately, in the printed press and some other media means a few expressions were spread, which contain insulting statements regarding the head of the Georgian Orthodox Christian Church. In our opinion these unethical acts, willingly or unwillingly, serve the split of the society. The authors of exercise general abstemiousness from political issues by the church and try to gain cheap popularity.

Georgia stands out in the whole region by the sharpness and high intensity of debates - its democratic and is welcome; but at the same time as the president considers, forcible attempts of involving the church in politics serve the interests of our enemy to provoke the church.

Such actions and statements are unacceptable for the President. The Chatholicos Patriarch of Georgia has rendered great services and makes a valuable contribution to our country and this fully supported and respected by the whole society and the President among them. We will use all democratic political means to defend his reputation and not allow anyone to use the principles of freedom with evil intents.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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