


I would like to greet everybody from the renovated National Stadium.

Today we have already got one of the best stadiums in Europe, which we have constructed, beautified all together, and shall beautify even more.

Today I am here together with our football legends and I am confused and at the same time very proud.

These are the people, who won the invincible football team English "Liverpool" on this stadium and then, I remember it well, I was sitting in the upper part of the second circle of the east stand.

On the 3rd of September 30 years will pass since the day, when "Dinamo" Tbilisi won "Ararat" Yerevan and won the Cup of the Soviet Union.

Then it was a great victory.

I remember the goal, scored by Vova Gutsaev, at the 4th-5th minutes of the game with Hamburg.

We have experienced a lot of happy minutes on this stadium and have been proud for a lot of times.

This is the stadium, where a lot of famous teams and proud countries laid down shield-and-sword before the Georgian talent, will power, staying power, fighting sufficiency and were defeated.

I would like to tell you, that we are very proud of it, but we have even great fights in the future.

We have gained a victory for many times, but we still have many of them in the future.

The greatest victory is still ahead - unification of our country.

For this victory we should prepare, unite and maintain the fighting efficient Georgian soul, which then united these boys [veteran-football players] and in the future will unite whole Georgia.

The main slogan and motto of me, Gigi Ugulava and my other companions-in-arms is a fight till the final victory of Georgia, till the final unification of Georgia, revival of Georgia and inculcation in the modern world.

This is what for we should fight and not for the victory in any elections or concrete situation.

My dear friends, I appeal to each of the person, who is present here: I would like together with you, with our legendary football players, with our glorious citizens, to inaugurate the renovated national Stadium, which worthy of Georgia.

God grant us many victories, let us not turn our back to anybody and do not give up.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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