

Extended government session was held at the President’s Palace

An extended government session was held at the President's Palace. Mikheil Saakasvhili stated that he spoke with EU Ambassadors about introducing an agreement on visa regime simplification. As he pointed out a new stage of signing this agreement is beginning and he expressed hope that the ministry of foreign affairs will work as successfully as during the first part of talks.

The President noted that if this agreement is signed, the procedure will be easier for those ordinary citizens of Georgia who are intending to go to Europe. He added, that in case the agreement is signed, the humiliating procedures that the citizens of Georgia, who tend to go to Europe go through may end. At the Security Council Session an issue of four teenagers' kidnapping was discussed as well.

Mikheil Saakashvili pointed out that he welcomes the dialogue between the government and the opposition. Sometimes they manage to reach an agreement and he is surprised that there were some compromises and mutual concessions made. The President stated as well that certain agreement on the election code already exists. "Not everybody would be able to tailor this code on themselves, neither the government nor any political side expresses their pretensions concerning this issue". He said that the population ordered the dialogue and for the first time during last years the agreements are reached in the result of the dialogue.

"Today's Security Council Session was of course called by the opposition. It concerns the issue connected with the possible opening of Larsi checkpoint. In September 2005 Larsi checkpoint was closed by the Russian Federation unilaterally, explaining it with the renovation works, recently we had talks in Yerevan with the participation of the Russian side regarding the possible opening of Larsi checkpoint.

Some remarks were made on certain threats at the parliament. The extended format of the National Security Council sessions have become traditional. We as well learn a lot during these meetings. I mean Gilauri, Bakradze, myself and the other permanent members and it is useful.

I want to welcome the fact that the principal agreement between the main sides on the election code has been reached on the major issues.

In some issues we have gone further than anyone could imagine. We must reach the position where decisions are made on the basis of the compromise.

This is the first meeting in the last years when different political sides talk about many issues and reach serious agreements.

This happens in the conditions when attempts of our collapse are being made from outside. This happens when there are a lot of problems in Georgia.

We as well welcome your active participation in the decision of very important issues.

We welcome the fact that EU, though a bit late but still made a sharp statement where they demand an unconditional discharge of Georgian teenagers.

These are the kids who were going to visit their friend's sick father to the very house they were kicked out of in 2008.

I haven't heard of more cynical attitude towards all the human norms that the occupants carry out on the Georgian territory.

Today, at the meeting with the EU Ambassadors we heard good information about the fact that we are on the last stage of signing an agreement regarding the visa regime.

Maybe this wasn't good information given by the MFA to the diplomats. This concerns every single Georgian citizen.

For every Georgian citizen who doesn't violate visa regime this procedure will become very easy. This is the first serious signal sent by EU after the Russian aggression. We as well work on free trade regime with EU.

These are the major issues that we have discussed. This is a classical example meaning that it doesn't matter who represents which party. More important is that we work together. We are moving forward from the carrots' politics to serious politics", stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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