

3/29/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili summed up the results of the visit to Seoul The President of Georgia made comments for media representatives after meeting with the Korean colleague in Seoul and summed up the results of the visit.
3/29/2012 The President of Georgia held a meeting with the leader of South Korea Mikheil Saakashvili held a meeting with the President of South Korea, during which the sides discussed the future relationship of the two countries.
3/27/2012 Mikheil Saakshvili addresed the participants of the summit The speech given by the president of Georgia on the Nuclear Security Summit
3/27/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the participants of the summit The President of Georgia, who is currently in the capital of South Korea attending the Nuclear Security Summit, addressed its participants.
3/26/2012 The President of Georgia met with world leaders in Seoul The President of Georgia is participating in the Nuclear Security Summit and its plenary session in Seoul.
3/26/2012 The President of Georgia has begun a visit to South Korea Mikheil Saakashvili is currently in Seoul, where he will participate in the “Nuclear Security Summit”.
3/22/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili gave an interview to the Egyptian Television Every time Georgia is mentioned in Egypt, everybody talks about your experience with the interior ministry and the police restructuring. How did you do it? We just started from the police, because the police is essential and we fired all them one day
3/20/2012 Mikheil Saakashvili congratulated the Muslims living in Georgia on the holiday Novruz Bairam My dear citizens, Novruz Bairam is as dear and valuable to me as any important holiday in Georgia. I am celebrating this day with you and looking at the future our country with an eye of hope.
3/20/2012 The President of Georgia is attending the German Marshal Fund Conference The President of Georgia is in Germany, attending the annual conference of the German Marshall Fund of the US. This year, the forum, "Tracking the Future of Georgia” is related to Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration and development of its democratic institutions.
3/20/2012 Traditional briefing of the Press Speaker of the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze spoke about the important events of the past week and drew attention to the initiatives of the President which he touched on during his address at the Parliament of Georgia.
3/19/2012 The President of Georgia addressed students of higher and professional institutions I would like to welcome everyone. The “Flash Mob” made by the Technical University has brought spring!
3/19/2012 The President of Georgia visited the Tbilisi Information Service Center The President of Georgia visited the Tbilisi Information Service Center today where the registration of those wanting to learn a new profession and the issuing of 1000 GEL vouchers is taking place.
3/19/2012 The President of Georgia spoke to the students of higher education and profession education about the importance of new projects The President of Georgia met with college and profession education students today. Mikheil Saakashvili spoke to them about the importance of summer employment as well as the vocational education vouchers.
3/18/2012 The President attended the military training exercise “Agile Spirit” at the Vaziani military base Mikheil Saakashvili attended the American-Georgian joint military training exercise “Agile Spirit” at the Vaziani military base.
3/17/2012 Georgia-Russia: 46:0 Mikheil Saakashvili attended the Rugby match between Georgia and Russia along with his family.
3/17/2012 The President of Georgia toured a hothouse in Tserovani The President of Georgia toured a hothouse in Tserovani, which is stretched around approximately one hectare.
3/16/2012 The President of Georgia opened a new ropeway in Gudauri The President of Georgia visited Gudauri today with the Mayor of Tbilisi – Gigi Ugulava and familiarized himself with the Gudauri development plan.
3/15/2012 The President of Georgia addressed the local population in Tsnori The hospital that had been here before could hardly be called a hospital.
2013 (30)
2012 (42)
2011 (49)
2010 (32)
2009 (26)
2008 (27)
2007 (31)
2006 (25)
2005 (32)
2004 (4)