

The President of Georgia attends European People’s Party Forum in Brussels

The President of Georgia together with the Minister of Internal Affairs participates in European People's Party Forum.

The President of Georgia made a statement during his visit to Brussels: "Our integration into NATO and European Structures is based on the countries' stabilization and internal politics of Georgia. Any kind of internal destabilization is against the strengthening of Georgian positions and solving our main issues. Our people expressed incredible wisdom and endurance and showed the whole world the level of politics in our country. Our people tasked us, that the elections should be held I Spring. Our political groups were given time for agreeing on the rules for these elections," stated the President of Georgia.

Mikheil Saakashvili stated that he is interested in presenting the maximum political spectrum in Georgian Parliament. As the President noted - the more political groups are integrated into Parliament the less is the threat of internal disorder and destabilization in country. He said that the positions were conceded on many issues from the side of the majority.

"I myself am a witness that many issues were conceded, issues that were impossible for the opposition and for the majority to agree on even two or three months ago. And it is right. Because if we want to reach political consensus we must concede," stated the President of Georgia.

He underlined the fact that the problems in opposition are caused by the difference of opinion. The president said the date for the Parliamentary elections will be announced in the near future and now the deadline is already past for agreeing on rules for the election process.

The President of Georgia called the opposition for dialogue and noted that, the political spectrum still has time to make decisions on staffing the election committees and vote counting processes. "We are willing to solve these issues jointly and if it won't happen in two weeks, the deadlines will be over and only one group will have a chance to make decisions without the involvement of other political forces in it, and it is undesirable for us" - said the President of Georgia.

According to the President's statement the politicians should learn to speak with one other around the negotiations table. "We are bound with one chain, we are the children of one Country and we have no other way besides our common way" - said the President.

During his speech on NATO and internal issues, Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment on constitutional changes as well: "The direct election of deputies from each region and forming half of the Parliament this way will make the Parliament of Georgia stronger. A regionally elected deputy becomes responsible for his electorate and their problems. I, myself was the majoritarian twice and I can assure you, that in every decisive moment the interest of my voters meant much more to me than the interests of the President or any party leaders at that time. When the delegate is requested to give an answer, he comes to us and requests an answer from the government. The position of the Parliament gets stronger regarding the President, but the position of people gets stronger regarding both - the President and the Parliament. As the President of Georgia I welcome the strengthening of the Parliament and I am ready to cooperate with the deputies elected by my people to solve their problems. This is real democracy and the democracy that works right, serves the consolidation of the Country and finally the victory of the Country" - stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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