

The President of Georgia attended an extended government session today

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended an extended session of the Georgian government today. Before the beginning of the session the President listened to the Foreign Minister's information on Russia's decision. According to Mikhail Saakashvili's statement Georgia will require the revision of all the decisions that breaches the integrity and sovereignty of Georgia. The President marked that Georgia's course remains to be peaceful and he expects not only statements but concrete steps taken by the Commonwealth of Nations and these steps will be taken in the nearest future.

"I want everybody to understand well, that nothing will prevent Georgia from becoming a democratic, successful state and a united country", stated the President. I am astonished and anxious about the provocative nature of Russia's move and at the same time I am satisfied, for the first time, with the sharp response from the European Union, NATO, and our traditional partners. I think this reaction was a surprise for Russia as well."

Mikheil Saakashvili mentioned that he statement of the NATO Secretary General was very important, it was a clear announcement - that provocative Russian move was breach of Georgia's sovereignty. "NATO's and the international community's demand that this move be not just softened. The EU's clear support for Georgia's peace plan, its territorial integrity and the inviolability of our borders is also very important", stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Mikheil Saakashvili tasked the members of the government. He asked Giorgi Baramidze, the vice-premier and state minister for Euro-Atlantic integration, to conduct several visits to Europe from tomorrow, to Germany, France, maybe to several other countries regarding this issue and David Bakradze the Foreign Minister to visit the United States in the nearest days to consult on this issue.

"Georgia is ready to hold consultations with the Russian Federation and we are ready to continue working with all sides over the peace plan. Everybody should understand it clearly," stated the President of Georgia.


Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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