

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited Ozurgeti

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited Ozurgeti and got familiarized with the process of 50-day government program. The President of Georgia met those enterprisers, who started their businesses in the frames of cheap credit. Today the President of Georgia opened a tea-producing factory that started in the frames of the same program. As he stated at the official ceremony such enterprises must open in every region. "In the years of my Presidency many such enterprises opened and many more will open", - noted the President. The enterprisers' spoke about their problems at the meeting, they spoke about cheap credits, optimization and the results. "None of the ministries should create artificial obstructions for you. Those officials, who will make such decisions, should expect severe punishment from us. Some people sit in their offices and don't understand that many people's fortune depends on their signatures and activities. You can not sit in your office and watch all of this cold-bloodedly", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

The President of Georgia said that he would visit the regions very often and will receive results himself. Mikheil Saakashvili stated that this was not only pre-election campaign about cheap credits.

"We were here several months ago and people must learn now, that we do not live from elections to elections. Before elections I visited the framework of this factory, today I came to see the results. Three months have passed since the elections and the factory is already open. All of us fulfill the promises and programs. This is not a promise, this is the main driving force of our life, to create a better life for our people. Our 50-month-program is a permanent opening and support of new enterprises - even in the conditions of world economic crises", noted the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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