

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili held a government session

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili chaired the government session today. He inquired the information from the members of government about the existing situation in their spheres, first of all - the information about the budget from the Prime Minister. Nick Gilauri stated that in the result of reducing the administrative expenditures it was possible to save 12 million GEL and this figure could reach 20 million GEL in nearest future. Mikheil Saakashvili remarked that there are certain resources and reserves in customs and any problems in this sphere would be excluded. It was noted that video cameras will be installed on border crossing points and in the nearest future any operation concerning cargo checking or any other procedures will be performed before the cameras. This will provide transparency of the system.

The Minister of Infrastructure David Tkeshelashvili spoke about the road-tenders. He noted that more than 40 tenders had already held and in all the tenders Georgian companies became winners. In the accountings of these companies price reduction on various productions or fuel have been reflected. This gave the department a possibility to get 21 million GEL economy. The management members consider that this figure will reach 40-50 million GEL. David Tkeshelashvili added that in the immediate future a program "the road to every village" will be launched and during next month on each segment road constructions with the use of new technologies will start.

Mikheil Saakashvili listened to the information presented by the Minister of Energy Aleksandre Khetaguri and he even called the minister "a winter minister". Khetaguri informed the President that on April 2 a new transmitting line will open from Batumi to Turkey. From September 1 the construction of a new high-voltage 500 kv transmitting line will start in the direction of Gardabani-Akhaltsike, Akhaltsikhe-Zestaponi. In all the number of the people employed in the energy sector will increase by 5 000. The Prime Minister noted that the current year is a very important year regarding new energy projects, because a new 200 kv line will open in the direction of East Georgia, West Georgia and Turkey. The construction of two new hydro-electric stations of 78 mv Paravan-hes and 38 mv Mtkvari-hes will start soon.

"We are a country of small economy and we do not have enough sources to create jobs all by ourselves - foreign investments are needed. When I am speaking about foreign investments it doesn't concern the Prime Minister or the Minister of Economy only. Each entity must take care to attract foreign investments", the President of Georgia noted.

As for the sphere of culture Mikheil Saakashvili noted that it is possible that foreign movie production to come in Georgia by reducing taxes. He thinks that this project must come to the end for fulfilling this process. The President believes that fulfilling this project will save Georgian movie industry.

The President focused his attention on the discipline as well and required from the ministers to control their entities. He said that the state apparatus is efficient enough, but they must pay attention in order to maintain this efficiency.

"Georgia is facing existential threat right now, it is struggling for existing and the work of each state officials must be coordinative, like the part of one whole. Compare to other countries this is the advantage of Georgia - Georgia has consolidated, effective state apparatus. But if we lose our tempo, we will not be able to avoid misfortune and problems", stated the President.

Mikheil Saakasvhili spoke on the importance of new insurance system and noted that this insurance will provide medical service available for the Georgian population.

"Georgia must be in the list of those countries, where it is the least save and the most profitable to put investments in. We must create such climate that Georgia becomes an example of success even in this very hard period of time. We must get back to the road of development on which we stood before August. I am very satisfied that we have a full coordination in the government, the Prime Minister works very well and he explains very well what type of challenges are we facing right now. We have to support the Prime Minister", Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the members of government by the end of the session.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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