

The President of Georgia met governors and heads of administrations

The President of Georgia met governors and heads of administrations at the President's Chancellery.

The problems of road reconstruction, water, natural gas and energy supply within the frames of region development program. The municipal programs, social assistance packages and amounts issued from the budget for roads and pipeline were discussed as well.

The President spoke of corruption and said that the violence will not happen, because the control is at most. Mikheil Saakashvili advised all region managers to fulfill all rehabilitation projects on time.

The President specially commented on the problem of communal meters and requested to individually equip the population with meters on time.

"Georgia's enemy, the occupants do everything to stop Georgia moving forward and not to create conditions for the de-occupation of Georgia.

In result of effective work of our law enforcement agencies their plans to create chaos and destabilization seriously failed.

Their respond to it was yesterday's attack on our police, unfortunately one of our policemen died and several were wounded.

But in spite of these attacks and provocations our development and progress must be continued in a faster tempo. These meeting must be held regularly. You were elected by people to arrange their problems", stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

At today's meeting the President noted that the construction of new transmission lines and hydroelectric stations would start soon.

As he said everybody thought Georgia would darken again this year, several accidents really happened, but they were liquidated timely. Georgia will get involved in parallel systems with Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia. The relations with Russian energy companies were established in this sphere as well. And in the result of it Georgian energy will be permanently firm.

The President said that infrastructural problems must be solved in a high tempo. "There are serious problems in the regions - unemployment, water and natural gas problems etc. In spite of the crisis, more money than ever has been issued for the regions. Road rehabilitation, water system rehabilitation and other projects are being realized. Many promises have been fulfilled. Regional projects serve to employ people and for these projects 66 million GEL has been issued, as for the road reconstruction 521 million GEL has been issued.

"The time for theft is over. This is people's money, you can have profit, income or salary. But there will be no theft. If you work well you will have more profit, if you work badly we won't pay you money", commented the President of Georgia.

At the meeting with the governors and heads of administrations the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili stated that there is catastrophic situation regarding the individual meters.

He said that the situation in this direction had to be sharply improved, because there is a social injustice in the villages and people there are on the edge of fighting.

Mikheil Saakashvili said that the contract with "Energopro" was signed incorrectly from the very start. "We have to create all possible conditions for the investors not to deal with problems now, they are not to be blamed if unqualified people worked on those contracts", the President noted.

The Ministry of Justice must study the work of those people who participate in such contracts and who couldn't foresee the necessity of equipping the villages with individual meters.

"I specially task the Ministry of Justice to take care of this case and I hope that the Prosecutor's Office will adequately study it", noted the President.

Georgia has cheap natural gas and reliably supply source. "According to the contract with Azerbaijan during five years the gas price can only be reduced and it can not be viewed vise versa, this is a great achievement", noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

In the years of 2009-2011 approximately 165 000 people must get gas. Among them additional 30 000 people will get gas in Kakheti, 38 400 in Kartli, 28 000 in Imereti, 32 000 in Samegrelo and Guria, 35 000 in Ajara.

"The Georgian government and the Ministry of Energy must work better with the investors. We must work here according to the Georgian laws, taking into consideration the interests of the local population. By the end of the next year every village must be equipped with the individual meters. Collective meters are a shame", stated the President of Georgia.

At the meeting with the governors and heads of administrations the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili stated that the biggest airport in Georgia would be built in Poti and it would serve cargo shipments and the travel of passengers at the same time. "Poti is a very good place for it", said the President.

Mikheil Saakashvili showed his interest in the problems of water supply rehabilitation work and listened to the respective information.

"In the four years coming we will do what has never been done in Georgia, the whole Georgia will practically have new water supply system", - stated the President of Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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