

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili arrived in Poti

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited Poti. Mikheil Saakashvili held the presentation of 24-hour water supply project in one of the local families, Lorenci Gogelidzis family in Poti. He listened to the information connected with the work personally from the project managers and the governor of Samegrelo. Mikheil Saakashvili noted that running water project succesfuly completed and it is very important when we speak about transferring an active phase of free industrial zone construction. The President of Georgia met the local population in Poti, who shared their problems with the President.

"Congratulations on Khareba Day. With the completion of this project you will have 24-hour running water supply in Poti", said the President. Mikheil Saakashvili noted that grand construction process is starting in Poti. This project was going on with some delays until today.

"The population in Poti will triple, because they will have chances to be employed here. It is always like this - people live where they have jobs. Better living conditions must be created. The great construction process of urban infrastructure and free industrial zone is starting. This is why it is important to have sewage system and water supply system in Poti", stated the President.

As the President of Georgia stated in Poti, the dialogue is inevitable even with the most radical and the smallest groups. Mikheil Saakashvili called the opposition on dialogue. There is no alternative to listening, searching for compromises and the dialogue. The ignorance of each others opinions drove the country to the catastrophe several times.

"An old approach - we will do everything what we want, no matter what you say - no matter which side says this - government or opposition - drove our country to the catastrophe several times. Today, based on our experience, taking into consideration the fact that 20% of Georgia is occupied, that a threat still persists and that we need to liberate our territories, also taking into account that there is the global economic crisis which hits each Georgian family, there is no alternative to dialogue; there is no alternative to listening to each other, searching for compromises and saying no to this old practice that ‘we do not care about your opinion. Of course, we should be interested in the opinions of everybody. By the way, the situation has improved as dialogue has somehow been established within the Parliament, dialogue has somehow been established with the non-governmental sector. But dialogue is necessary even with the smallest and the most radical group, no matter how radical and often unacceptable their demands might be. Georgia has no other alternative", stated the President of Georgia.

The President of Georgia got interested in the problems of fishermen in Poti. Mikheil Saakashvili received detailed information from the Chairman of Georgian Fishermen Society Murad Miminoshvili about what the situation looked like in this sphere.

Mikheil Saakashvili said that in the nearest future the ship would arrive in Poti from US, and it will serve fish processing factories. "This is a very important sphere and there should no problems be created there", noted the President.

The President of Georgia went to Khelvachauri today as well and attended the opening of a new public school in the village Tkhilnari. Mikheil Saakashvili tasked the Minister of Education to stress his attention on sport at school, because this subject became unpopular in some schools around Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia

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